Jun 28, 2009

Box of Things..

I dont really know what i wanna write in this post. But, since im here, i'll try to spill it out.

Do you know, many people still think that IPA is better than IPS? No offense, but, some people in IPA just take IPC, sometimes just IPS, for their exam an this is really make me upset. If they have choosen to be an IPA students, then why they still take an IPS major? Why they didnt take IPS from the first time? Once again, no offense. It's just my opinion.

Well, talking about box, its kinda funny when i knew that one of my family member is going to IPS. I was very welcoming her and happy. But, again, her family, didnt want her to going to IPS. What the hell! They ask her to move from her school, which is my almamater too, to another school. Maybe they think she can going to IPA.

Anyway, its kinda lame. This box irritated me. You know, box of things. Like IPA and IPS, male and female, boys and girls, and bla bla bla things.

It must change. Zaman udah berubah. Udah bukan masanya lagi mengotak-ngotakkan IPA dan IPS. So, now im asking you, Do you think so? Or, what do you think exactly? Tell me.




  1. i think IPA IPS sama aja. kalo mereka berpendapat IPA lebih baik dari IPS, jangan cuma ngomong, tp buktiin. toh nanti akhir2nya banyak juga anak2 SMA yg ngotot bgt masuk IPA, tp pas kuliah, lagi2 yg diambil lahan IPS..
    seharusnya orang ngga boleh milih berdasarkan pemikiran kayak gitu. mereka mestinya bener2 pikirin matang2 dari awal, mau IPA atau IPS, sesuai bakat n kemampuan. jadi nantinya ngga "salju"

  2. @Kei, yap, thats what i thought! mereka selalu berpikiran dangkal. gue selalu mikir kapan ya Indonesia atau setidaknya semua orang berpikiran lebih luas dan nggak mengotak-ngotakkan sesuatu? jangan cuma bisa ngomong tanpa bisa ngasih bukti. iya ga? thanks yaa.. atas komennya.

  3. haha ipa sama ips sama aja sih. ips ribet ngapal bzzzz, ipa ribet ngitung sampe botak ahuhaua. sama2 susah, tp emg beda jenis susahnya. gue ngerasain nih dua2nyaaa wekekekek.
