Jun 18, 2009

What If...

This is the time i was worried for.

When im confused about my future. About everything ive been through. About ME.

Im just thinking about this. In my whole life, i always dream about Japan. Im going to school in Japan. I will be there to take my undergraduate program. And now, its just happens to me. My dream WILL come true.

But again. Im confused. Why? First, my avg score isnt enough for undergraduate program. Its just enough for D2. Second, my rapor isnt out yet. Whereas, i need that for take the scholarship form. Third, the dateline getting closer. Its June 24th. Oh God, what ive to do?

Some people say, just follow your heart. But, i cant just follow my heart. Ooh..

What if i give up on this?
What if i just let go of my dream and realize?
What if i just do what my best in Indonesia even i really adore Japan?
What if...
What if...
What if...

And What if... I regret all of this and wish i never dream about it?



Niwayan Putri said...

huhuu jangan gt dong nif. kalo taun ini failed, kan masih bisa dicoba taun depan. ato gak lo S2 ajaaa disanaa hihi. gue jg prnh bermimpi kuliah abroad, tp ga bisa trnyt. next time kali ya haha

Najma Amtanifa said...

lebay banget ya gue. hiks.

kemaren tuh mood gue ancur2an soalnya niw. haha. jadi begini deh. oke oke. bisa dapet D2. doain aja nih hari ini beneran bisa nih rapor gue dapet. hehe.