Okay. In the last post, i told you about SEVONE Cup, right? Then now, i want to tell you about my Graduation Party.
Well, firstly, my Graduation Party would be held at Unsada. Since Unsada is unworthy for Rp 250.000/each we want moved our Graduation Party ke gedung yang lebih worthy. There're sooo many options. But at the end, our Graduation Party was held at Gedung Pewayangan TMII.
Okay. I always want my Graduation Party to be special. So i think about, "mau diapain rambut gue buat wisudaan ya? masa cuma biasa aja?". Then, my mom suggest me to curly my hair and untuk itu gue butuh salon. Oke, nyalon doangan mah gue ayo!
But then, on H-1 my mom said to me "Kamu nanti bangun jam 1/2 4 lho ya. biar ga kesiangan. temen-temen kamu semua itu soalnya. nanti telat!"
WHAT! Gue mesti bangun jam segitu? Huah. Gue mengiyakan aja lah daripada daripada kan..
Akhirnya, pagi-pagi dengan mata masih merem melek gue ke salon. Gue adalah orang yang pertama dateng. Masih pada belom bangun juga itu mbak-mbak salonnya.
Yasudh laah. Akhirnya, gue dilayani juga (jiaaah). Gue dimake up dulu. Dan ALIS gue di rapiin. Sebenernya gue gamau, tapi nyokap gue nyuruh. yaudah.
(kira-kira 2 jam-an lah gue di make up dan di keriting kecil)
Setelah itu, gue pulang dengan menutupi muka gue. Malu. Untung masih pagi. Sampe rumah, gue makan, ganti baju trus siap-siapin apa yang mau gue bawa. Trus, gue foto sama bokap karena yang ke wisuda itu nyokap. Abis itu, gue pergi deeh.
Nah, sebenernya yang gue seneng dari acara ini cuma karena gue bisa ketemu sama temen-temen gue lagi. Kapan lagi coba? Dan kita di sana (terutama anak kelas gue) bukannya ngikutin prosesi dengan baik malah foto-foto trus ribut sendiri. Haha.
Oke, ini foto-foto kami. haha. Narsis banget. Tapi seneng.
with my besties after foto kelas
That's it. Tiringly AWESOME day. Why i said that day is tiring day? Because after that, i went to Japan Embassy to take my form for Monbusho Scholarship (read another post before this). That was tired. But, i have fun with my besties after all. Haha. Cant forget this and that. I wish they'll get what they want. For exp. PTN. Good luck guys. Will miss you A LOT!
That's it. Tiringly AWESOME day. Why i said that day is tiring day? Because after that, i went to Japan Embassy to take my form for Monbusho Scholarship (read another post before this). That was tired. But, i have fun with my besties after all. Haha. Cant forget this and that. I wish they'll get what they want. For exp. PTN. Good luck guys. Will miss you A LOT!
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