Sep 25, 2016

How Are You?

It’s been a while
Since the last time we met, we talked, we hugged
I missed you already
Do you happy up there, Eyang?
Because there’s no day I never miss you
Because everyday is still about missing you
Because everyday since you’ve left is never be the same day for me anymore
You are my compass, my home
But yet when you still here I oftentimes forgot
I’m sorry for not visiting you often
Even when I had plenty times to do that
Even when I had nothing to do that day
I feel burdened to go to your home
I took you for granted
I missed you so much it hurts
But you already in a better place
Wish you well, Eyang
I will always miss you

Ps: Give my love to Umi as well.. I really miss her too.


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