5 leters, one word. B-O-R-E-D.
Means BOSAN. Its exactly the same. 5 leters one word.
Really. This loong day off really pissed me off! Everyone busy.
Gila. Ga ada gitu yang bisa gue ajak pergi. Gue telpon pada pergi, ga punya duit, ga boleh pergi, sms ga di bales. Bla bla bla. Capek banget gue. Alesan aja lo semua.
Giliran gue pengen pergi sendirian, ga boleh. Kenapa sih? I am not a child anymore. Kenapa sih nyokap masih nggak ngebolehin gue jalan sendiri. toh gue udah gede ini. Cuma ke Gading pula kok.
Kemaren mau nonton ga jadi. Gue jadi bete sendiri. Semua orang udah nonton film yang mau gue tonton. Sepupu yang biasa gue ajakin jalan belom nonton sih, tapi gue ajakin pergi ga bisa. Sial banget. Adek gue puasa jadi ga bisa diajak ke mana-mana.
Facebook sekarang ngebosenin. Twitter cuma gue refresh doang. Plurk numpang lewat aja. YT bingung gue mau nonton apa. JPA ga ada balesan shoutbox dari 'adek' gue. Apa dooong!
Hiks, gila nih gue lama-lama. Pala gue pusing. Mau nonton DVD mual duluan. Kebanyakan sih. Mau tidur, males. Takut susah dibangunin. Mau makan, haha, sumpah males. Dari kemaren nih. Ya Allah, susah banget ya mensyukuri nikmat libur ini. Giliran libur bosen, pas ga libur pengen. We never satisfied arent we?
Jul 9, 2009
Pesta Demokrasi Indonesia. Benarkah?
Sehari yang lalu, 8 Juli 2009, Bangsa Indonesia mengadakan Pesta Demokrasi ke-2 yaitu Pemilu Presiden. Setelah sebelumnya tanggal 9 April 2009 diadain Pemilu Legislatif.
Sebenernya, gue mengharapkan pemilu kali ini berjalan damai-damai aja. Nggak ada protes-protes curang atau apalah. Tapi, ternyata emang nggak bisa lepas dari itu semua juga.
Sportif ga sportif, cuma masing-masing individu yang tau. Gue sih masih berharap siapapun pemenangnya semua calon bisa legowo menerima hasil dan keputusan itu. Jangan lagi-lagi saling nyalahin trus tuding-tudingan siapa yang mencurangi siapa.
Tapi emang bener kata berita, Pilpres ini bener-bener penuh drama. Bahkan melebihi drama-drama di reality show. Dari yang nyontreng dua kali, ada yang meninggal, ada juga yang ngerobek-robek kertas suara. Untuk apa? Toh dengan merobek kertas suara hasilnya ga akan berubah. Dan yang bikin geli, alasan dia ngerobek tu kertas suara cuma gara-gara panitia KPPS (iya bukan itu namanya?) nyamperin ayahnya yang lagi sakit di rumah untuk ikut nyontreng. Dan dia curiga ayahnya disuruh menyontreng salah satu calon yang disuruh panitia itu. It's silly. Trus, emang kalo kertas suaranya dirobek, bakalan beda?
Yah, itulah. Pesta Demokrasi Indonesia. Kalo kata berita lagi, Indonesia memang lagi berkembang dewasa untuk berdemokrasi. Tapi, ini bukan dewasa namanya. Semoga apapun hasilnya, siapapun pemenangnya, memang bisa membuat Indonesia menjadi lebih baik dari sekarang untuk 5 tahun ke depan.
By the way, gue juga nyontreng kemaren. Alhamdulillah, gue udah menggunakan hak gue untuk memilih. Semoga lo semua juga gitu. Sekarang yang gue pikirin adalah jari kelingking kiri gue yang biru dan menghitam gara-gara tinta. Anjir. Kuku gue jadi item nih. Kalo kuteks item sih gapapa deh.
Sebenernya, gue mengharapkan pemilu kali ini berjalan damai-damai aja. Nggak ada protes-protes curang atau apalah. Tapi, ternyata emang nggak bisa lepas dari itu semua juga.
Sportif ga sportif, cuma masing-masing individu yang tau. Gue sih masih berharap siapapun pemenangnya semua calon bisa legowo menerima hasil dan keputusan itu. Jangan lagi-lagi saling nyalahin trus tuding-tudingan siapa yang mencurangi siapa.
Tapi emang bener kata berita, Pilpres ini bener-bener penuh drama. Bahkan melebihi drama-drama di reality show. Dari yang nyontreng dua kali, ada yang meninggal, ada juga yang ngerobek-robek kertas suara. Untuk apa? Toh dengan merobek kertas suara hasilnya ga akan berubah. Dan yang bikin geli, alasan dia ngerobek tu kertas suara cuma gara-gara panitia KPPS (iya bukan itu namanya?) nyamperin ayahnya yang lagi sakit di rumah untuk ikut nyontreng. Dan dia curiga ayahnya disuruh menyontreng salah satu calon yang disuruh panitia itu. It's silly. Trus, emang kalo kertas suaranya dirobek, bakalan beda?
Yah, itulah. Pesta Demokrasi Indonesia. Kalo kata berita lagi, Indonesia memang lagi berkembang dewasa untuk berdemokrasi. Tapi, ini bukan dewasa namanya. Semoga apapun hasilnya, siapapun pemenangnya, memang bisa membuat Indonesia menjadi lebih baik dari sekarang untuk 5 tahun ke depan.
By the way, gue juga nyontreng kemaren. Alhamdulillah, gue udah menggunakan hak gue untuk memilih. Semoga lo semua juga gitu. Sekarang yang gue pikirin adalah jari kelingking kiri gue yang biru dan menghitam gara-gara tinta. Anjir. Kuku gue jadi item nih. Kalo kuteks item sih gapapa deh.
Jul 7, 2009
I feel disturbed by someone. She is my junior. Yeah, my junior. She's soo annoying. Anyway, i feel regret for known her for all this time. Really.
This is why i dont like her that much.
1. she feels she's so important. She even looked at me with do-i-know-you kind of looking.
2. she feels she can do anything.
3. she feels SHE is EVRYTHING!
4. she ignored people.
5. she has two face. In front of me, she kind, but behind my back, who know?
6. she always make me feel UPSET.
And many more.
I'll never tell you who is she. But i just feel so mad at her in this time. She just text me about something that i do know. But i think she thought i dont know. How can i didnt know about what she text me? She is DISTURBIA. Well, now, i hope she can do her best. Anyway, she is my junior right? As a senior i have this responsibility to wish her all the best. Well, i dunno. Haha.
Hmm, again, feel sorry bout my english lately. Does it good? just give me a comment. Thanks.
I feel disturbed by someone. She is my junior. Yeah, my junior. She's soo annoying. Anyway, i feel regret for known her for all this time. Really.
This is why i dont like her that much.
1. she feels she's so important. She even looked at me with do-i-know-you kind of looking.
2. she feels she can do anything.
3. she feels SHE is EVRYTHING!
4. she ignored people.
5. she has two face. In front of me, she kind, but behind my back, who know?
6. she always make me feel UPSET.
And many more.
I'll never tell you who is she. But i just feel so mad at her in this time. She just text me about something that i do know. But i think she thought i dont know. How can i didnt know about what she text me? She is DISTURBIA. Well, now, i hope she can do her best. Anyway, she is my junior right? As a senior i have this responsibility to wish her all the best. Well, i dunno. Haha.
Hmm, again, feel sorry bout my english lately. Does it good? just give me a comment. Thanks.
Ohayou bloggers! I've got a post-tag from Kak Ayu some weeks ago by using her blog. She called this homework for me. So, i just take it as homework since i havent any homework again after graduated from HS. Hehe.
What you're supposed to do... and please do not spoil the fun...
Create a new post, copy and paste this post, delete my answers and type in yours.
Then tag 21 good friends and family INCLUDING the person who tagged you.
The theory is that you will learn one new thing about each of your friends.
1. Nifa (it's commonly used by the people around me)
2. Nipe/nph/Nifo (some of my friends make my nick by theirself)
3. Mbak/Cipa (it's only used for my family)
1. College student (In one month.)
2. Student (Ive just graduated from my HS hmm, a month ago?)
3. Homeless, eh, jobless. haha. (Pengacara, Pengangguran banyak acara? huahaha)
1. Bandung
2. Jakarta
3. Jakarta (well, that's why im sooooo sick of this crowded city..haha)
1. Arirang (eh, ini sih stasiun tv ya)/ Showbiz Extra, Pops In Seoul
2. Animax (any anime, yang pasti harus keren. haha)
3. Sport (ESPN, Star Sport), esp Soccer (Chelsea, Yeay!)
1. JAPAN,KOREA (ooh, im into those country)
2. United States of America
1. Cheese (huahaha) and Mayo (??)
2. Makanan buatan rumah
3. Makanan Indonesia (ooh, i LOVE Indonesia)
1. Study abroad to Japan
2. Go to College (sok-sokan ini sih. penasaran)
3. Get my very own Driving License
1. Falen
2. Nadya
3. Niwa (sotoy semua. haha)
1. Muse, MCR, The Rasmus, Maroon 5,
2. James Morrison, Kelly C, Amy Pearson, Rio Febrian,
3. BigBang, FT Island, SuJu, 2NE1, Se7en, Yamapi, NewS, Kattun, (well, gue mengkategorikan dalam 3 kategori. band, single, Asian. hehe.)
1. Badminton
2. Soccer (EPL!! CHELSEA!!)
3. Japan's Baseball League (kadang-kadang kalo nemu di ESPN)
1. Mineral Water
3. Yogurt
Then, I'm tagging this post to Kak Ayu, Nadya, Falen, Niwa, Fanny, Keisha .
What you're supposed to do... and please do not spoil the fun...
Create a new post, copy and paste this post, delete my answers and type in yours.
Then tag 21 good friends and family INCLUDING the person who tagged you.
The theory is that you will learn one new thing about each of your friends.
1. Nifa (it's commonly used by the people around me)
2. Nipe/nph/Nifo (some of my friends make my nick by theirself)
3. Mbak/Cipa (it's only used for my family)
1. College student (In one month.)
2. Student (Ive just graduated from my HS hmm, a month ago?)
3. Homeless, eh, jobless. haha. (Pengacara, Pengangguran banyak acara? huahaha)
1. Bandung
2. Jakarta
3. Jakarta (well, that's why im sooooo sick of this crowded city..haha)
1. Arirang (eh, ini sih stasiun tv ya)/ Showbiz Extra, Pops In Seoul
2. Animax (any anime, yang pasti harus keren. haha)
3. Sport (ESPN, Star Sport), esp Soccer (Chelsea, Yeay!)
1. JAPAN,KOREA (ooh, im into those country)
2. United States of America
1. Cheese (huahaha) and Mayo (??)
2. Makanan buatan rumah
3. Makanan Indonesia (ooh, i LOVE Indonesia)
1. Study abroad to Japan
2. Go to College (sok-sokan ini sih. penasaran)
3. Get my very own Driving License
1. Falen
2. Nadya
3. Niwa (sotoy semua. haha)
1. Muse, MCR, The Rasmus, Maroon 5,
2. James Morrison, Kelly C, Amy Pearson, Rio Febrian,
3. BigBang, FT Island, SuJu, 2NE1, Se7en, Yamapi, NewS, Kattun, (well, gue mengkategorikan dalam 3 kategori. band, single, Asian. hehe.)
1. Badminton
2. Soccer (EPL!! CHELSEA!!)
3. Japan's Baseball League (kadang-kadang kalo nemu di ESPN)
1. Mineral Water
3. Yogurt
Then, I'm tagging this post to Kak Ayu, Nadya, Falen, Niwa, Fanny, Keisha .
Jul 6, 2009
SEVONE and Graduation Party Part 2
Oh-kay. Have you read the first part of this story? You better read that first than read this one. Hehe.
Okay. In the last post, i told you about SEVONE Cup, right? Then now, i want to tell you about my Graduation Party.
Well, firstly, my Graduation Party would be held at Unsada. Since Unsada is unworthy for Rp 250.000/each we want moved our Graduation Party ke gedung yang lebih worthy. There're sooo many options. But at the end, our Graduation Party was held at Gedung Pewayangan TMII.
Okay. I always want my Graduation Party to be special. So i think about, "mau diapain rambut gue buat wisudaan ya? masa cuma biasa aja?". Then, my mom suggest me to curly my hair and untuk itu gue butuh salon. Oke, nyalon doangan mah gue ayo!
But then, on H-1 my mom said to me "Kamu nanti bangun jam 1/2 4 lho ya. biar ga kesiangan. temen-temen kamu semua itu soalnya. nanti telat!"
WHAT! Gue mesti bangun jam segitu? Huah. Gue mengiyakan aja lah daripada daripada kan..
Akhirnya, pagi-pagi dengan mata masih merem melek gue ke salon. Gue adalah orang yang pertama dateng. Masih pada belom bangun juga itu mbak-mbak salonnya.
Yasudh laah. Akhirnya, gue dilayani juga (jiaaah). Gue dimake up dulu. Dan ALIS gue di rapiin. Sebenernya gue gamau, tapi nyokap gue nyuruh. yaudah.
(kira-kira 2 jam-an lah gue di make up dan di keriting kecil)
Setelah itu, gue pulang dengan menutupi muka gue. Malu. Untung masih pagi. Sampe rumah, gue makan, ganti baju trus siap-siapin apa yang mau gue bawa. Trus, gue foto sama bokap karena yang ke wisuda itu nyokap. Abis itu, gue pergi deeh.
Nah, sebenernya yang gue seneng dari acara ini cuma karena gue bisa ketemu sama temen-temen gue lagi. Kapan lagi coba? Dan kita di sana (terutama anak kelas gue) bukannya ngikutin prosesi dengan baik malah foto-foto trus ribut sendiri. Haha.
Oke, ini foto-foto kami. haha. Narsis banget. Tapi seneng.

Ini semua kerjaannya Wally. Ga beres emang itu anak. (Wally, yang mukanya close up di foto terakhir lho)

Okay. In the last post, i told you about SEVONE Cup, right? Then now, i want to tell you about my Graduation Party.
Well, firstly, my Graduation Party would be held at Unsada. Since Unsada is unworthy for Rp 250.000/each we want moved our Graduation Party ke gedung yang lebih worthy. There're sooo many options. But at the end, our Graduation Party was held at Gedung Pewayangan TMII.
Okay. I always want my Graduation Party to be special. So i think about, "mau diapain rambut gue buat wisudaan ya? masa cuma biasa aja?". Then, my mom suggest me to curly my hair and untuk itu gue butuh salon. Oke, nyalon doangan mah gue ayo!
But then, on H-1 my mom said to me "Kamu nanti bangun jam 1/2 4 lho ya. biar ga kesiangan. temen-temen kamu semua itu soalnya. nanti telat!"
WHAT! Gue mesti bangun jam segitu? Huah. Gue mengiyakan aja lah daripada daripada kan..
Akhirnya, pagi-pagi dengan mata masih merem melek gue ke salon. Gue adalah orang yang pertama dateng. Masih pada belom bangun juga itu mbak-mbak salonnya.
Yasudh laah. Akhirnya, gue dilayani juga (jiaaah). Gue dimake up dulu. Dan ALIS gue di rapiin. Sebenernya gue gamau, tapi nyokap gue nyuruh. yaudah.
(kira-kira 2 jam-an lah gue di make up dan di keriting kecil)
Setelah itu, gue pulang dengan menutupi muka gue. Malu. Untung masih pagi. Sampe rumah, gue makan, ganti baju trus siap-siapin apa yang mau gue bawa. Trus, gue foto sama bokap karena yang ke wisuda itu nyokap. Abis itu, gue pergi deeh.
Nah, sebenernya yang gue seneng dari acara ini cuma karena gue bisa ketemu sama temen-temen gue lagi. Kapan lagi coba? Dan kita di sana (terutama anak kelas gue) bukannya ngikutin prosesi dengan baik malah foto-foto trus ribut sendiri. Haha.
Oke, ini foto-foto kami. haha. Narsis banget. Tapi seneng.
with my besties after foto kelas
That's it. Tiringly AWESOME day. Why i said that day is tiring day? Because after that, i went to Japan Embassy to take my form for Monbusho Scholarship (read another post before this). That was tired. But, i have fun with my besties after all. Haha. Cant forget this and that. I wish they'll get what they want. For exp. PTN. Good luck guys. Will miss you A LOT!
That's it. Tiringly AWESOME day. Why i said that day is tiring day? Because after that, i went to Japan Embassy to take my form for Monbusho Scholarship (read another post before this). That was tired. But, i have fun with my besties after all. Haha. Cant forget this and that. I wish they'll get what they want. For exp. PTN. Good luck guys. Will miss you A LOT!
Jul 5, 2009
SEVONE and Graduation Party Part 1
It's a bit late, i know.
Okay, firstly i want to posted this thing at the day when SEVONE Cup was held. But then, my father always use the laptop and i just can open Twitter, Plurk. So i just wait.
Then, the graduate party was coming. It held on June 23rd. I took many picture but i really get busy with those scholarship things. So, im not posting anything.
Then today, i just feel little boring so i remember about those picture and i think, i want share with you all. And again, im sorry for my poor grammar. As long as you can understand what my point, i think its okay.
First thing first.
SEVONE Cup, honestly is the Biggest Event yang mau diadain sama OSIS angkatan gue. But, unfortunately, our Headmistress (Bu KD, sebelum Pak HS) didnt allowed the proposal. So, it's always pending, pending, until our time is over. Jadi, proposalnya diterusin ke angkatan di bawah gue. It's really sad.
It held on June 21st -25th. There're bazaar too and i have a stand there. Jadi setiap hari selama SEVONE Cup berlangsung, gue dateng buat jagain stand dan nonton sekalian. Tapi, karena pas hari pertama stand gue ada di belakang, jadi gue ga bisa dapet foto pembukaannya. Tapi hari kedua sampe terakhir stand gue pindah ke depan jadi gue bisa nonton. But i just took pictures when 71's team play ya. And few performance from dance, tatra, cheers.
Here the photos of the event:
Okay, firstly i want to posted this thing at the day when SEVONE Cup was held. But then, my father always use the laptop and i just can open Twitter, Plurk. So i just wait.
Then, the graduate party was coming. It held on June 23rd. I took many picture but i really get busy with those scholarship things. So, im not posting anything.
Then today, i just feel little boring so i remember about those picture and i think, i want share with you all. And again, im sorry for my poor grammar. As long as you can understand what my point, i think its okay.
First thing first.
SEVONE Cup, honestly is the Biggest Event yang mau diadain sama OSIS angkatan gue. But, unfortunately, our Headmistress (Bu KD, sebelum Pak HS) didnt allowed the proposal. So, it's always pending, pending, until our time is over. Jadi, proposalnya diterusin ke angkatan di bawah gue. It's really sad.
It held on June 21st -25th. There're bazaar too and i have a stand there. Jadi setiap hari selama SEVONE Cup berlangsung, gue dateng buat jagain stand dan nonton sekalian. Tapi, karena pas hari pertama stand gue ada di belakang, jadi gue ga bisa dapet foto pembukaannya. Tapi hari kedua sampe terakhir stand gue pindah ke depan jadi gue bisa nonton. But i just took pictures when 71's team play ya. And few performance from dance, tatra, cheers.
Here the photos of the event:
All Star 71 (Saman, Chelsea, Salzeus)
Yah, kira-kita begitulah recapnya. Why i just add 1 of many pictures from salzeus (dance)? Honestly, guys, they not really good at that time. I think that because their new member. Maybe they need more practice.
And that's SEVONE Cup. How about my Graduation Party? I think, i will post it later. On the next post. I promise. haha. See ya.
Yah, kira-kita begitulah recapnya. Why i just add 1 of many pictures from salzeus (dance)? Honestly, guys, they not really good at that time. I think that because their new member. Maybe they need more practice.
And that's SEVONE Cup. How about my Graduation Party? I think, i will post it later. On the next post. I promise. haha. See ya.
Jul 2, 2009
No Heartbeats for THIS Result
Haha. No no. Im not dead. I mean no heartbeat is hmm.. deg-degan gitu lhoo. Yeah, just too hard to find the same meaning word in English. haha. Called me dork then.
Okay. I just feel like nothing happened when the result of SIMAK and UMB is getting closer. I just think that "Oh, okay. I wish i can make it. UI here i come." That's it. But i didnt feel worried, nervous, or anything like that. Isnt it hmm Pertanda (i dont know what's pertanda in English)?
Why i called it pertanda? Coz, when i didnt feel nervous or heartbeats, i didnt make it. haha. Yeah, the result is always "Maaf Anda belum dapat bla bla bla.." But when i feel it, it happened when i have the result from UNJ, i can make it. For example. I get the result when im in Salon. You know, im frustrated. I can see internet there. Alias ga ada pulsa. Akhirnya gue pinjem hp nyokap dan ke situsnya UNJ. Gue cek nama gue dan ada. Tapi gue masih ga percaya. Gue bener2 deg-degan dan gak sabar buat nyampe rumah.
Sesampenya gue di rumah, gue langsung ngusir adek gue yang ada di depan komputer dan langsung ke situsnya UNJ. And you know what? Im in. haha. Im so happy. That's why gue nganggep kejadian2 pas SIMAK dan UMB adalah pertanda gue ga masuk UI. haha. Emang jalan gue di UNJ kali yaaa. Walau gue jalan muter-muter, tetep aja gue ke UNJ-UNJ juga. haha.
Okay. I just feel like nothing happened when the result of SIMAK and UMB is getting closer. I just think that "Oh, okay. I wish i can make it. UI here i come." That's it. But i didnt feel worried, nervous, or anything like that. Isnt it hmm Pertanda (i dont know what's pertanda in English)?
Why i called it pertanda? Coz, when i didnt feel nervous or heartbeats, i didnt make it. haha. Yeah, the result is always "Maaf Anda belum dapat bla bla bla.." But when i feel it, it happened when i have the result from UNJ, i can make it. For example. I get the result when im in Salon. You know, im frustrated. I can see internet there. Alias ga ada pulsa. Akhirnya gue pinjem hp nyokap dan ke situsnya UNJ. Gue cek nama gue dan ada. Tapi gue masih ga percaya. Gue bener2 deg-degan dan gak sabar buat nyampe rumah.
Sesampenya gue di rumah, gue langsung ngusir adek gue yang ada di depan komputer dan langsung ke situsnya UNJ. And you know what? Im in. haha. Im so happy. That's why gue nganggep kejadian2 pas SIMAK dan UMB adalah pertanda gue ga masuk UI. haha. Emang jalan gue di UNJ kali yaaa. Walau gue jalan muter-muter, tetep aja gue ke UNJ-UNJ juga. haha.
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