Whew.. Hows ur day, people? I feel great today.
Well, it have a relative with my posting before. Now, i have a 'little sister'. No, no. My mom not pregnant. I have her from that site. Yeah, the site that makes me addict. Her username is "sabergirl19". I called her saa-chan or just saa. Her real name is Cait. But, i never called her that. I dont know why.
Okay. First time i logged in, i think u can read it in my posting before. But, there's a girl. I was think that she had same age as me. But, what a surprise! She's just 12 years old. And just 6 grade. Well, at that time, i was so shame..
But, after that, we always chat. In the chat room or just with shout box. And i tell her that i was feel so old. And she just can laughed at me and say that im not that old. So i tell her that shes just like a lil sister for me since i havent any sister. And then, she replied 'so i shud call you nee-chan'. And thats it. I have a lil sister now.
Feel good. Shes from Philippines and just 12 years old. But her english is better than me (haha..). We just acted like sisters and we try to understand each other. I, as a big sister, try to protect her even we've never met before. And she, as a lil sister, always cheer me up. I think, this is the surplus from having a online friend (honestly, idk what it call. Or i just forgot).
So, i feel happy to have her as my little sister. Oh, by the way, i dont really care if one of you think that my english is soo bad. Im in learning. So, i hope ull understand. But i think, as long as u understand what i mean, what the hell!!
May 29, 2009
May 26, 2009
Yellow everyone.
Haha. Really miss to write in this blog after a week i never write a post. Anyway, i have alot things that i have to stay. Since i didnt write a post for a week, ive to tell u much much story. Okay. Here the story.
Okay. Since two months ago, actually, ive an account in this site name JPopAsia or also known as JPA. This site is for u who like anything in JPop, KPop, CPop and want to find lyrics and video. But this site also like FB which is a friend site. So, i sign up for this. When i sign up, i really think that this site had same motive (idk what i talking bout) like FB, FS, or whatever u say it. But then, ive confused because just for adding a friend, i should have 20 JPops. And i have NO Jpops. So, i really mad and log out. And for two month, till now, ive never log in. But, i still looking for some lyrics there.

This is 'Home' JpopAsia.com
Well, since two months ago till twoo weeks ago, i still FB-ing and no JPop-ing. But then, i really curious about this site. So, once again, i log on to this site and feel surprise when realized that i still remember the account. So, ive looked to my profile. And it still like when the first time i see. No friends just one inbox. Then, i try to find how to earn Jpops. And, finally i know.
At that time, i really confused, rite? So i try to looking around. And found this forum. In this forum, i found this topic. Introduction. It is for the new member to introduce theirself to another member. Then, i started topic with title 'Hello, hajimemashite, annyeong!'. And u know what, i found that if we post a forum, then we will get jpops. And im so happy for that. So i came back to my profile and see my jpops not '0' anymore. Haha. I like this site already then.

this is Forums window for 'Introduce Yourself'
After that, i added some friends and start to chat with another member. And now, i know what ive to do to earn some jpops. Rating some video. Haha. What a shame that i didnt know it for long time. And fill my 'About Me' in profile will get some jpops too. Geez, im to stupid for this. And now, here its my profile page.

So, now, im addicted to this site. Evryday, ive checked my profile to find out any inbox or any shout out in my shout box. Geez. Im just like an drugs addict. Sometimes my mother yelled me to move because she wants to use the laptop. See, ive strings with this site. Hoho. So, if ive been MIA again next time, it means that im JPop-ing, Baby. Haha..
Haha. Really miss to write in this blog after a week i never write a post. Anyway, i have alot things that i have to stay. Since i didnt write a post for a week, ive to tell u much much story. Okay. Here the story.
Okay. Since two months ago, actually, ive an account in this site name JPopAsia or also known as JPA. This site is for u who like anything in JPop, KPop, CPop and want to find lyrics and video. But this site also like FB which is a friend site. So, i sign up for this. When i sign up, i really think that this site had same motive (idk what i talking bout) like FB, FS, or whatever u say it. But then, ive confused because just for adding a friend, i should have 20 JPops. And i have NO Jpops. So, i really mad and log out. And for two month, till now, ive never log in. But, i still looking for some lyrics there.

This is 'Home' JpopAsia.com
Well, since two months ago till twoo weeks ago, i still FB-ing and no JPop-ing. But then, i really curious about this site. So, once again, i log on to this site and feel surprise when realized that i still remember the account. So, ive looked to my profile. And it still like when the first time i see. No friends just one inbox. Then, i try to find how to earn Jpops. And, finally i know.
At that time, i really confused, rite? So i try to looking around. And found this forum. In this forum, i found this topic. Introduction. It is for the new member to introduce theirself to another member. Then, i started topic with title 'Hello, hajimemashite, annyeong!'. And u know what, i found that if we post a forum, then we will get jpops. And im so happy for that. So i came back to my profile and see my jpops not '0' anymore. Haha. I like this site already then.

this is Forums window for 'Introduce Yourself'
After that, i added some friends and start to chat with another member. And now, i know what ive to do to earn some jpops. Rating some video. Haha. What a shame that i didnt know it for long time. And fill my 'About Me' in profile will get some jpops too. Geez, im to stupid for this. And now, here its my profile page.

So, now, im addicted to this site. Evryday, ive checked my profile to find out any inbox or any shout out in my shout box. Geez. Im just like an drugs addict. Sometimes my mother yelled me to move because she wants to use the laptop. See, ive strings with this site. Hoho. So, if ive been MIA again next time, it means that im JPop-ing, Baby. Haha..
May 18, 2009
Feels like hell today...
Yah, ga seburuk itu. Cuma, ga tau kenapa mood gue ga balik2 nih dari kemaren. Gosh! Gue paling bete kalo mood gue lagi ga asyik kayak gini.
Hwell, tadi liburan gue keganggu. Haha... Tapi, gapapa lah. Ketemu temen2 juga gitu. Kenapa keganggu? Karena tadi, gue sebagai pjk bt, harus bertugas untuk membagikan BT ke semua anak kelas gue. Okelah. Gue pikir, karena kemaren udah gue kasih tau juga, ga bakal makan waktu lama lah.
But guess what!!! Ternyata, ada beberapa yang ga dateng. Untung mereka minta titip ke temen yang lain. Jadi, gue ga harus bawa semuanya pulang. Dan yang mesti gue bawa pulang akhirnya cuma 5 (include punya gue). Jadi, yang ada di gue sekarang BT-nya Pa' Mudjahid (walas gue), Tephen, Ayu, sama Yoyo.
Gue pikir, tadi, gue paling bakal balik jam 10. Ternyata, baru selesai (kelas gue) jam 1/2 12. Dan itupun dengan membawa 5 BT di tangan. Untung ada tebengan (thanks to Salma).
Yah, pas udah di rumah juga sama aja. Ga nambah baik. Cuma nambah pusing.
Tau ah. Gue nggak ngertilah kenapa juga mood gue ancur2an gini. Semoga aja besok udah bagus lagi nih mood-nya.
Btw, gue akhirnya memutuskan untuk ikut UMB. Mencoba peruntungan gue di UI. Nothing to lose lah. Semoga gue dapet yang terbaik aja yang dikasih Tuhan buat gue.
Yah, ga seburuk itu. Cuma, ga tau kenapa mood gue ga balik2 nih dari kemaren. Gosh! Gue paling bete kalo mood gue lagi ga asyik kayak gini.
Hwell, tadi liburan gue keganggu. Haha... Tapi, gapapa lah. Ketemu temen2 juga gitu. Kenapa keganggu? Karena tadi, gue sebagai pjk bt, harus bertugas untuk membagikan BT ke semua anak kelas gue. Okelah. Gue pikir, karena kemaren udah gue kasih tau juga, ga bakal makan waktu lama lah.
But guess what!!! Ternyata, ada beberapa yang ga dateng. Untung mereka minta titip ke temen yang lain. Jadi, gue ga harus bawa semuanya pulang. Dan yang mesti gue bawa pulang akhirnya cuma 5 (include punya gue). Jadi, yang ada di gue sekarang BT-nya Pa' Mudjahid (walas gue), Tephen, Ayu, sama Yoyo.
Gue pikir, tadi, gue paling bakal balik jam 10. Ternyata, baru selesai (kelas gue) jam 1/2 12. Dan itupun dengan membawa 5 BT di tangan. Untung ada tebengan (thanks to Salma).
Yah, pas udah di rumah juga sama aja. Ga nambah baik. Cuma nambah pusing.
Tau ah. Gue nggak ngertilah kenapa juga mood gue ancur2an gini. Semoga aja besok udah bagus lagi nih mood-nya.
Btw, gue akhirnya memutuskan untuk ikut UMB. Mencoba peruntungan gue di UI. Nothing to lose lah. Semoga gue dapet yang terbaik aja yang dikasih Tuhan buat gue.
May 17, 2009
Hello, Goodbye!
Sebenernya, gue juga ga ngerti gue ngasih judul itu kenapa. Mungkin karena terlalu banyak orang yang muncul di hidup gue tapi hanya untuk sekilas aja dan mereka pergi pas banget abis bilang halo. See, gue juga ga ngerti-ngerti banget. Haha (maklum, lagi error berat!).
Seperti yang udah gue kasih tau di post sebelumnya, prioritas gue adalah kacamata. Dan tadi gue udah beli baru. Akhirnya gue bisa melihat juga (bukan berarti gue buta, cuma bolor aja). Dan pas gue beli kacamata, ada issue yang sedang HOT. Kenapa? Karena gue di sms beberapa kali cuma buat nanya issue itu.
(Mbak Ayu, Arlin, Ahong, Acha, Chivani) : Nif, emang besok bagiin BT ya? Ke sekolah?
Dan gue hanya mampu memandangi HP gue dengan nelangsa dan bilang : guys, sorry. gue g ada pulsa. smg nanti lo semua pada ol FB aja daah.
Dan setelah issue HOT itu mulai mereda (karena emang ga ada yang sms gue lagi masalah itu), datang masalah baru.
Oke, sebenernya, ini salah gue juga. Jadi, kemaren gue abis upload foto ke FB. 2 foto diantaranya adalah aib seorang temen gue dengan inisial ILe. Nah, gue, karena awalnya merasa itu hanya sebuah candaan, ya santai aja tuh upload tu foto. Gue kasih tau ke dia. Dia si agak kaget, tapi ga marah. Gue tekenin ya, GA MARAH. Dan karena gue tau diri, gue ga tag ke siapa2 tu foto. Bahkan ga ke orang bersangkutan.
Tapi, tau-tau, di tengah mood gue yang lagi naek turun, si ILe sms gue dengan penuh nafsu. Nih cuplikannya (yang tulisan merah itu koreksi gue yaa):
ILe: Nif ! Apa apaan si lo ?? Tu foto tuh mesum bgt ! (ga,ga. ga mesum. cuma lebay!) Gila lo ya ! Jahat bgt si lo jd org ! Gw g prnh yah jailin lo segitunya ? >=(
Jujur, gue kaget. Apaan nih? Perasaan, gue ga pernah nge-tag. Gue langsung bales gini:
"Iy ntar gw apus.sori oke.mav d.gw mnt MAAF bgt."
Tepat abis itu, gue langsung buka FB dan tau siapa yang nge tag tuh foto. Ternyata dia ILa. Gue langsung apus foto2 nya dan liat balesan sms ILe.
ILe: Haha, iye iye sry jg yee! soalnya emosi gw! bknnya apa2 nif gw g sk aj foto itu di tag ke fb gw..abis'a tu foto mesum bgt sumpah yg lain'a gpp dh
Nah, awalnya gue udah males tu sms lagi. tapi kata nyokap gue, gue mesti konfirm karena itu bukan sepenuhnya salah gue. setelah itu, gue bales lagi:
"L, gue tu jujur g ngtag tu ft k lo.yg gw tag yg gmbrny bgs.yg ft2 awal yg ngtag ILa kykny.bkn gw.udah gw apus kok.sry y."
ILe: Hah, iya sami sami ya ^^ soalnya gw trauma nif, ~~blabla...
so, in the end, masalahnya berakhir. tapi sumpah, sampe sekarang, kenapa mood gue masih aneh yaa...
Hello, Goodbye people!!
Seperti yang udah gue kasih tau di post sebelumnya, prioritas gue adalah kacamata. Dan tadi gue udah beli baru. Akhirnya gue bisa melihat juga (bukan berarti gue buta, cuma bolor aja). Dan pas gue beli kacamata, ada issue yang sedang HOT. Kenapa? Karena gue di sms beberapa kali cuma buat nanya issue itu.
(Mbak Ayu, Arlin, Ahong, Acha, Chivani) : Nif, emang besok bagiin BT ya? Ke sekolah?
Dan gue hanya mampu memandangi HP gue dengan nelangsa dan bilang : guys, sorry. gue g ada pulsa. smg nanti lo semua pada ol FB aja daah.
Dan setelah issue HOT itu mulai mereda (karena emang ga ada yang sms gue lagi masalah itu), datang masalah baru.
Oke, sebenernya, ini salah gue juga. Jadi, kemaren gue abis upload foto ke FB. 2 foto diantaranya adalah aib seorang temen gue dengan inisial ILe. Nah, gue, karena awalnya merasa itu hanya sebuah candaan, ya santai aja tuh upload tu foto. Gue kasih tau ke dia. Dia si agak kaget, tapi ga marah. Gue tekenin ya, GA MARAH. Dan karena gue tau diri, gue ga tag ke siapa2 tu foto. Bahkan ga ke orang bersangkutan.
Tapi, tau-tau, di tengah mood gue yang lagi naek turun, si ILe sms gue dengan penuh nafsu. Nih cuplikannya (yang tulisan merah itu koreksi gue yaa):
ILe: Nif ! Apa apaan si lo ?? Tu foto tuh mesum bgt ! (ga,ga. ga mesum. cuma lebay!) Gila lo ya ! Jahat bgt si lo jd org ! Gw g prnh yah jailin lo segitunya ? >=(
Jujur, gue kaget. Apaan nih? Perasaan, gue ga pernah nge-tag. Gue langsung bales gini:
"Iy ntar gw apus.sori oke.mav d.gw mnt MAAF bgt."
Tepat abis itu, gue langsung buka FB dan tau siapa yang nge tag tuh foto. Ternyata dia ILa. Gue langsung apus foto2 nya dan liat balesan sms ILe.
ILe: Haha, iye iye sry jg yee! soalnya emosi gw! bknnya apa2 nif gw g sk aj foto itu di tag ke fb gw..abis'a tu foto mesum bgt sumpah yg lain'a gpp dh
Nah, awalnya gue udah males tu sms lagi. tapi kata nyokap gue, gue mesti konfirm karena itu bukan sepenuhnya salah gue. setelah itu, gue bales lagi:
"L, gue tu jujur g ngtag tu ft k lo.yg gw tag yg gmbrny bgs.yg ft2 awal yg ngtag ILa kykny.bkn gw.udah gw apus kok.sry y."
ILe: Hah, iya sami sami ya ^^ soalnya gw trauma nif, ~~blabla...
so, in the end, masalahnya berakhir. tapi sumpah, sampe sekarang, kenapa mood gue masih aneh yaa...
Hello, Goodbye people!!
May 13, 2009
Comeback From Exam & My Wishlist
Haha... Actually, i have to wait one week again before i can use this laptop and go online. But, wtv! I can't wait. Enough is enough.
Finally, my day as highschool student (aka senior) is over (aaw!) :(. Today is the last day. After we taking this Final School Examination, we will stay at home for, maybe, 3 weeks before graduation (amin, ya Allah, amin). So, i will really miss my friends.
And, about my wishlist, it's been a long, long time. I really want these things to be mine. But, my mother said that i have to collect my money for them. Ugh, for long time, Mom! Get real! Huh, wtv again. I will start to save my money right now (but i still have to pay my t-shirt, oh gawd!).
Here they are. My wishlist. Wish you'll not judge me 'Lebay'. Haha...
I really need this stuff because my minus is increase (OMG!). So, this glasses is my important wishes. Haha... (bolor emang gue!)

These shoes are really nice right? For the first time of my life, i really want to try to wear high heels. And, the second shoes is Nike, and beside nike, it's converse. I really want them for me.

These items, uuh, what i've to say? I do want these for real! And yellow too. Haha.. iPhone 3G yellow, Macbook yellow, and iPod Nano yellow. Yes, i'm into yellow! But, for these items, how long i've to save my money? Oh, God.
And here i am. Broke. And will be broke for those things i want. Hell!
Finally, my day as highschool student (aka senior) is over (aaw!) :(. Today is the last day. After we taking this Final School Examination, we will stay at home for, maybe, 3 weeks before graduation (amin, ya Allah, amin). So, i will really miss my friends.
And, about my wishlist, it's been a long, long time. I really want these things to be mine. But, my mother said that i have to collect my money for them. Ugh, for long time, Mom! Get real! Huh, wtv again. I will start to save my money right now (but i still have to pay my t-shirt, oh gawd!).
Here they are. My wishlist. Wish you'll not judge me 'Lebay'. Haha...

And here i am. Broke. And will be broke for those things i want. Hell!
May 9, 2009
Vakuuum... Till Our Examination Days Over
Hyah, begitulah. Menyeramkan. Bagaimana gue bisa vakum pake kompi? Tapi, berhubung yang nyuruh nyokap, mau gimana lagi. Terlalu banyak saksi. Haha..
Anyway, gue emang bakal vakum. Bukan cuma vakum nge-blog, tapi juga nge-FB, nge-forum, nge-chat, nonton di mysoju, nge-myspace, nge-youtube, nge-lain2. Bahkan gue juga ga boleh buka laptop.
Sebenernya, bukan cuma gue. Itulah kenapa gue agak senang karena gue ga sendirian. Ada adek gue yang juga ga boleh buka laptop. Kenapa? Well, simpel aja. Minggu depan gue UAS (doain ya guys!), adek gue praktek. Nah, sebenernya gue udah selesai tuh ujiannya, tapi adek gue belom. Minggu depannya dia baru UAS. Jadi, sampe semuanya bener-bener selesai, kita (gue dan adek gue) ga boleh buka laptop. Even itu cuma ngecek. Nah, kenapa gue hari ini bisa nge-post, ini juga gara-gara nyokap ga ada. Dan demi nge-post terakhir sebelum vakum 2 minggu lah kira-kira.
Huaaah... Tahan ga ya gue? Ga bisa liat BB, SuJu, Jumper, dkk di YT dulu. Ga bisa nonton k-drama dan dorama di mysoju dulu. Ga bisa OL di FB dulu. Ga bisa update di blog dulu. Ga bisa buka kompi dulu. SELAMA 2 MINGGU!!! BISA g ya gue???
Yah, doakan lah semua lancar. Jadi gue akan dengan cepat kembali memeluk laptop gue... (lebay banget sih!!).
Sekian ah. Ga boleh lama2. Hahaha... See ya, next 2 weeks i hope.
Anyway, gue emang bakal vakum. Bukan cuma vakum nge-blog, tapi juga nge-FB, nge-forum, nge-chat, nonton di mysoju, nge-myspace, nge-youtube, nge-lain2. Bahkan gue juga ga boleh buka laptop.
Sebenernya, bukan cuma gue. Itulah kenapa gue agak senang karena gue ga sendirian. Ada adek gue yang juga ga boleh buka laptop. Kenapa? Well, simpel aja. Minggu depan gue UAS (doain ya guys!), adek gue praktek. Nah, sebenernya gue udah selesai tuh ujiannya, tapi adek gue belom. Minggu depannya dia baru UAS. Jadi, sampe semuanya bener-bener selesai, kita (gue dan adek gue) ga boleh buka laptop. Even itu cuma ngecek. Nah, kenapa gue hari ini bisa nge-post, ini juga gara-gara nyokap ga ada. Dan demi nge-post terakhir sebelum vakum 2 minggu lah kira-kira.
Huaaah... Tahan ga ya gue? Ga bisa liat BB, SuJu, Jumper, dkk di YT dulu. Ga bisa nonton k-drama dan dorama di mysoju dulu. Ga bisa OL di FB dulu. Ga bisa update di blog dulu. Ga bisa buka kompi dulu. SELAMA 2 MINGGU!!! BISA g ya gue???
Yah, doakan lah semua lancar. Jadi gue akan dengan cepat kembali memeluk laptop gue... (lebay banget sih!!).
Sekian ah. Ga boleh lama2. Hahaha... See ya, next 2 weeks i hope.
May 8, 2009
Ask For The Better World
Still mad because yesterday match. Stupid referee. There must be at least 2 penalties for Chelsea coz Barca's players. And i saw it with my own eyes, when Anelka ran in penalti area, Pique's hand touched the ball. BUT, it's not HAND BALL. For GOD's sake! What is in the referee's mind? Dasar Gundul! Harusnya minimal 2-1, STUPID! Huh, sudahlah. Just let people see. Who's right, who's wrong.
Anyway, i'm posting this post not for share bout yesterday match. Biarin lah. Lagian menurut gue itu pertandingan cacat. Gue cuma mau update aja.
Barusan, gue tiba-tiba inget sesuatu. Sesuatu tentang favorit gue. Yang pertama adalah tentu Big Bang dan korelasinya. Pas gue log in ke forumnya, gue menemukan beberapa blog para VIP (sebutan fans BB) yang langsung gue liat. Di sanalah gue, yang emang paling males buka web selain blog & fb, menemukan 'treasure' tentang BB. Dan langsung aja gue link di sini.
Setelah 2 jam-an lah kira-kira (gue baru sadar, ternyata lama juga gue liat-liatnya), gue teringat lagi sama blog salah satu author favorit gue, Kak Arie. Atau orang lebih kenal sih dengan nama Sitta Karina. Gue mau tau aja, blog-nya masih aktif apa nggak. Ternyata masih. Dan di sana gue menemukan beberapa link yang langsung gue masukin ke daftar link gue di sini (InspireMe).
Salah satunya The Cure For Tomorrow.
Sebenernya, gue udah lama tau ada organisasi ini. Tapi baru bener-bener liat webnya tadi. Dan u-know-what? Gue bener-bener tergugah lho. Bukan apa-apa. Baru-baru ini, gue emang lagi berusaha untuk melakukan apa yang namanya 'tidak buang sampah sembarangan'. Dan TCFT bener-bener organisasi pecinta lingkungan yang foundernya itu seumuran gue (kita lah ya). Gue jadi agak sedikit malu sama diri gue sendiri. Karena, dulu, gue itu sering banget nggak aware tentang lingkungan. Dan sekarang gue agak menyesali juga. Kenapa baru sekarang? Gue juga nggak tau.
Dan menurut gue, betapa kita nggak tau diri. Karena masih banyak orang yang dengan seenaknya buang sampah sembarangan. Kenapa sih nggak nyari tempat sampah dulu baru di buang. Baru aja kemaren gue ngeliat ibu-ibu buang sampah di angkot. Dalam hati gue gue pengen banget bilang ke dia 'bu, sini sampahnya, biar nanti saya yang buang di tempat sampah'. Tapi, kata itu nggak keucap. Entah kenapa. Mungkin karena emang kepedulian gue belum sebesar itu.
Dan gue pengen banget kita bisa hidup di dunia yang lebih baik. Lebih bersih, lebih tentram, lebih aman. Gue sih nggak mau menggurui atau gimana. Gue cukup memulai dari diri gue sendiri. Kenapa kita harus ngajak orang dulu kalo kita sendiri nggak ikut melakukan, iya nggak? Therefore, why asking for the better world if we still ignored to do better for our environment? What if we start from ourself to make the world better? It'll be great, right?
So, who's join me to ask to live in better world?
Anyway, i'm posting this post not for share bout yesterday match. Biarin lah. Lagian menurut gue itu pertandingan cacat. Gue cuma mau update aja.
Barusan, gue tiba-tiba inget sesuatu. Sesuatu tentang favorit gue. Yang pertama adalah tentu Big Bang dan korelasinya. Pas gue log in ke forumnya, gue menemukan beberapa blog para VIP (sebutan fans BB) yang langsung gue liat. Di sanalah gue, yang emang paling males buka web selain blog & fb, menemukan 'treasure' tentang BB. Dan langsung aja gue link di sini.
Setelah 2 jam-an lah kira-kira (gue baru sadar, ternyata lama juga gue liat-liatnya), gue teringat lagi sama blog salah satu author favorit gue, Kak Arie. Atau orang lebih kenal sih dengan nama Sitta Karina. Gue mau tau aja, blog-nya masih aktif apa nggak. Ternyata masih. Dan di sana gue menemukan beberapa link yang langsung gue masukin ke daftar link gue di sini (InspireMe).
Salah satunya The Cure For Tomorrow.
Sebenernya, gue udah lama tau ada organisasi ini. Tapi baru bener-bener liat webnya tadi. Dan u-know-what? Gue bener-bener tergugah lho. Bukan apa-apa. Baru-baru ini, gue emang lagi berusaha untuk melakukan apa yang namanya 'tidak buang sampah sembarangan'. Dan TCFT bener-bener organisasi pecinta lingkungan yang foundernya itu seumuran gue (kita lah ya). Gue jadi agak sedikit malu sama diri gue sendiri. Karena, dulu, gue itu sering banget nggak aware tentang lingkungan. Dan sekarang gue agak menyesali juga. Kenapa baru sekarang? Gue juga nggak tau.
Dan menurut gue, betapa kita nggak tau diri. Karena masih banyak orang yang dengan seenaknya buang sampah sembarangan. Kenapa sih nggak nyari tempat sampah dulu baru di buang. Baru aja kemaren gue ngeliat ibu-ibu buang sampah di angkot. Dalam hati gue gue pengen banget bilang ke dia 'bu, sini sampahnya, biar nanti saya yang buang di tempat sampah'. Tapi, kata itu nggak keucap. Entah kenapa. Mungkin karena emang kepedulian gue belum sebesar itu.
Dan gue pengen banget kita bisa hidup di dunia yang lebih baik. Lebih bersih, lebih tentram, lebih aman. Gue sih nggak mau menggurui atau gimana. Gue cukup memulai dari diri gue sendiri. Kenapa kita harus ngajak orang dulu kalo kita sendiri nggak ikut melakukan, iya nggak? Therefore, why asking for the better world if we still ignored to do better for our environment? What if we start from ourself to make the world better? It'll be great, right?
So, who's join me to ask to live in better world?
May 7, 2009
They're Lost, I'm Broken Heart!!
That's it. Chelsea's lost. I can't write about anything right now. I'm dissapointed. But i still believe that Chelsea is the real WINNER for me.
May 5, 2009
Face The Last Day of Practical Exam Tomorrow
Okay... Tadinya, gue mau nge-post ini dengan bahasa Inggris. But, again, kendala vocab membuat gue mengurungkan niat.
Nah, seperti yang gue tulis di judul, gue akan menghadapi hari terakhir Ujian Praktik besok. Akhiiiiirrrnyaaaaa....gue bisa leyeh-leyeh juga di rumah. Menikmati kesendirian bersama Mbak gue. Tapiiiii, masalahnya, kenapa harus Agama Islam besok? Pertama, gue belom hafal semua doanya (cuma nomor 1 dan 8 paling yang udah di luar kepala). Terus, kedua, gue berharap nggak dapet Shalat Subuh. Kenapa? Karena gue nggak hafal (lagi) doa qunut yang biasanya dipakai untuk Shalat Subuh (sunah sih sebenernya).
Oke, kalo lo mau bilang gue aneh, silakan. Tapi memang itulah kenyataannya. Hari gini, mau lulus itu susah. Semua guru (hampir semua, di sekolah gue) itu adaaaaaa aja kerjaannya supaya bikin murid-muridnya ribet.
Ah-niwaaaay... Bodo amat lah. Yang penting besok terakhir. Gue bisa libur abis itu. Walaupun Senennya gue masih harus memperjuangkan kelulusan gue di UAS (huhuhu...kenapa g UAS dulu sih baru UAN???). Tiga hari yang juga ikut menentukan. Mana ada essay lagi. Huaaaah.... God, kenapa hari pertama UAS mesti dua pelajaran laknat yang hafalannya segunung (Pkn, agama)???
P.S.: hey, gue baru merasakan asyiknya 'maen' di mysoju.com nih. Nonton drama puas deh gue. Bagi penggemar drama (J,K,C) dan musik (jpop,kpop), bagi-bagi info ya..Maklum, karena males buka-buka site lain selain FB,Blog,YT jadi ketinggalan jaman. Hahihuheho....
Okay... Tadinya, gue mau nge-post ini dengan bahasa Inggris. But, again, kendala vocab membuat gue mengurungkan niat.
Nah, seperti yang gue tulis di judul, gue akan menghadapi hari terakhir Ujian Praktik besok. Akhiiiiirrrnyaaaaa....gue bisa leyeh-leyeh juga di rumah. Menikmati kesendirian bersama Mbak gue. Tapiiiii, masalahnya, kenapa harus Agama Islam besok? Pertama, gue belom hafal semua doanya (cuma nomor 1 dan 8 paling yang udah di luar kepala). Terus, kedua, gue berharap nggak dapet Shalat Subuh. Kenapa? Karena gue nggak hafal (lagi) doa qunut yang biasanya dipakai untuk Shalat Subuh (sunah sih sebenernya).
Oke, kalo lo mau bilang gue aneh, silakan. Tapi memang itulah kenyataannya. Hari gini, mau lulus itu susah. Semua guru (hampir semua, di sekolah gue) itu adaaaaaa aja kerjaannya supaya bikin murid-muridnya ribet.
Ah-niwaaaay... Bodo amat lah. Yang penting besok terakhir. Gue bisa libur abis itu. Walaupun Senennya gue masih harus memperjuangkan kelulusan gue di UAS (huhuhu...kenapa g UAS dulu sih baru UAN???). Tiga hari yang juga ikut menentukan. Mana ada essay lagi. Huaaaah.... God, kenapa hari pertama UAS mesti dua pelajaran laknat yang hafalannya segunung (Pkn, agama)???
P.S.: hey, gue baru merasakan asyiknya 'maen' di mysoju.com nih. Nonton drama puas deh gue. Bagi penggemar drama (J,K,C) dan musik (jpop,kpop), bagi-bagi info ya..Maklum, karena males buka-buka site lain selain FB,Blog,YT jadi ketinggalan jaman. Hahihuheho....
May 3, 2009
Thank GOD...You're THE BEST...
Thank God for giving me good result for my interview. I've passed!!
Well, i wanna say thank you for everyone who always support me, prey for me, and cheer me up when i'm hopeless bout this test.
First of all, Thank to Allah SWT. The Greatest of ALL, my lovely, my EVERYTHING, without ALLAH, what can i do? Thank You for everything that You've gave to me.
Thanks to my friends. I'm nothing without you, guys. You're giving me support, cheer, prey to through this. Thank you all.
Thanks to all of my teacher. Especially Mrs. Annisa Miranty Gumay, Ms. Esty Fiksianina, Juita Sensei, Ayu Sensei, and Mrs. Naomi for their blessing and prayer and support. Thanks, you're the best teacher ever.
And for the last but not the least, MY WHOLE FAMILIA, for their prey, blessing, cheer, love, support, that always giving me strength to do everything. MY Mom, Dad, Lil Brother, Gran, Cousin, Aunt-Uncle, Thanks. Without y'all, i can't do anything.
For everyone, that i can listed one by one, just take my thanks. Because, i know there're many people who always cheer me and support me. Anyway, whoever you are, Thank you very-berry much...
Thank God for giving me good result for my interview. I've passed!!
Well, i wanna say thank you for everyone who always support me, prey for me, and cheer me up when i'm hopeless bout this test.
First of all, Thank to Allah SWT. The Greatest of ALL, my lovely, my EVERYTHING, without ALLAH, what can i do? Thank You for everything that You've gave to me.
Thanks to my friends. I'm nothing without you, guys. You're giving me support, cheer, prey to through this. Thank you all.
Thanks to all of my teacher. Especially Mrs. Annisa Miranty Gumay, Ms. Esty Fiksianina, Juita Sensei, Ayu Sensei, and Mrs. Naomi for their blessing and prayer and support. Thanks, you're the best teacher ever.
And for the last but not the least, MY WHOLE FAMILIA, for their prey, blessing, cheer, love, support, that always giving me strength to do everything. MY Mom, Dad, Lil Brother, Gran, Cousin, Aunt-Uncle, Thanks. Without y'all, i can't do anything.
For everyone, that i can listed one by one, just take my thanks. Because, i know there're many people who always cheer me and support me. Anyway, whoever you are, Thank you very-berry much...
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