Been a while. Not really long but I feel guilty for not updating. Well, anyway, I will posting some things that happened in these 10 days.
Chelsea's 110th Anniversary and failed to through the Semifinals
Well, I was posted about Bayern Munchen's 115 year anniversary right? I was about to post about Chelsea's too but at the moment I was tooooooo lazy to do that. Hehehhee.... So yeah. On March 10, Chelsea was celebrated the 110 years since the club established. Old, I know but there are so many things I want this team achieved in the next years.
Just like BM, they also still compete in Champion League. On March 11 (March 12 already in Indonesia), Chelsea played against PSG at Stamford Bridge. I used to set my alarm, so I could watch it. But in the end, I didn't awake when my third alarm rang (yeah I'm that.... hard to be awaken). Well, when I finally woke up, I searched for news about the game and ended sad... The game was draw but Chelsea failed to go to the semifinals because of the goals aggregate. But then, they already got one cup/trophy, and now are concentrating on the Premiere League. They're still on the top of the table followed by Manchester City. Hope they will win the league. Been a while.
Got my graduation gown and ready to rock it (I don't even know what it means) but got worried coz accidentally sent wrong application letters
Soo.. I forgot when but finally I got the gown (well, toga means gown in English right, right?). I went to campus with my friends, but before that, I sent two application letters and cvs to two companies. It's still a job hunt season for me though. But then, before I reached campus, I felt so uneasy about my application letters. So I stopped my car and checked my email. There, I found that I really am stupid because I accidentally sent a wrong letter to a company. And I kept uneasy when I reached campus.
I met my friends and I told them about it. They couldn't help but laughed at me (yeah, I'm so stupid after all) and told me to be careful from now on. Also they calmed me down and told me to resend the letter. So when I got my gown, we went home and I resend the letter immediately. Well, hope they'll understand. But still no response from them. Been a week already.
My grandmother death memorial
This Monday was my grandmother's death anniversary (or memorial, I don't really know which one I should use). Couldn't believe she already left us for a year. So we held pengajian for her. To pray for her peace. So many things happened, but unfortunately I couldn't write it down here since that was a family matter. But, what happened on that day, really really broke my heart and I really wish things will get better.
Pengajian went so smooth, so many people come. Most of them are my granny's pupils since she used to teach for some groups of pengajian in our neighbourhood. Some of them were my granny's sisters. Well, I hope she could rest in peace and may Allah give her the best place up there.
That was pretty much what happened in the past 10 days. Nothing much, I know. It's because I can't really remember what happened in details and I just like summarized it.
Well, I was planning to do another review but I don't know when it will ready to post. Ah, also about the dreamfest report, I am sorry I couldn't bring it as fast as I wanted, but I will post it.
So, see ya for now....
Mar 19, 2015
Past 10 Days
Football Club,
Job Hunting,
Mar 9, 2015
A Year Has Passed
I supposed to post this like 4 days ago, but because of something else, I didn't.
So, on 5 March, it's been a year my grandma has passed away. A year, really? I still can remember the day when she's gone. My lovely grandma. How I rejected her wish to went to her house, how I half-heartedly answered her call, how I ignorantly went there with a grumpy self. But when I arrived, she's already gone. I still can recall my feelings at that moment. I couldn't even cry at first, denial was all I feel. My Umi was not dead, please it's a lie. But then, when the doctor left, my grandpa still sat beside her, their housekeeper was crying like a mad, I finally shed my tears. The realization was hit me so hard. My grandma, my lovely grandma, my one and only Umi. Then the proverbs: you never know what you have until you lose it, or you take it for granted, was floating in my mind. Yeah, when she's fine, I rarely visited her, or just say hi, or maybe just anwering her calls. The reason why I still couldn't believe it at the moment was because the night before, the day before, I went to their house, she's still fine. And before she passed away, she still lead pengajian for her student's grandchild's akikah. So sudden.
Well, regret is useless now. She is in the better place anyway. No more pain, no more sickness, no more meds. She's watching us from above. I still can't believe now a year has passed. A lot of things happened for a year after she's gone. I used to live with grandpa to accompany him. I ignore my thesis. My grandpa was re-married. I finally graduated (the things she asked me for a year before she passed, and I feel sorry for not graduated sooner so she could see me, TT TT).
Nine years live with stroke, couldn't even walk normally, live everyday with meds, plus her diabetes and high tension, I believed she suffered. But she always gave her best, always cheerfully live her life everyday, always pampered her grandchildren, always been a loving grandma for everyone. She, who used to walk around to shops or just for fun, for 9 years had to sit down cause of her stroke, it must be hard. But now she's not suffer anymore.
Umi, wherever you are now, I hope you happy. You are forever in our hearts. No one can replace you. You are the best teacher, the Guru, the one who teached us to be a better person, to be a better muslims. I am very sorry if I used to ignored you, picked a fight with you, hurt your heart.
Allahuma firlaha, warhamha, wa'afiha, wa'fuanha.
Ya Allah, berikan ia tempat tebaik di sisimu, jauhkan ia dari siksa kuburmu, berilah ia kubur yang terang, ampuni segala dosanya, angkatlah derajatnya, semoga ia meninggal secara khusnul khotimah. Aamiin.
Rest in peace, Umi. We love you to the moon and the back.
I supposed to post this like 4 days ago, but because of something else, I didn't.
So, on 5 March, it's been a year my grandma has passed away. A year, really? I still can remember the day when she's gone. My lovely grandma. How I rejected her wish to went to her house, how I half-heartedly answered her call, how I ignorantly went there with a grumpy self. But when I arrived, she's already gone. I still can recall my feelings at that moment. I couldn't even cry at first, denial was all I feel. My Umi was not dead, please it's a lie. But then, when the doctor left, my grandpa still sat beside her, their housekeeper was crying like a mad, I finally shed my tears. The realization was hit me so hard. My grandma, my lovely grandma, my one and only Umi. Then the proverbs: you never know what you have until you lose it, or you take it for granted, was floating in my mind. Yeah, when she's fine, I rarely visited her, or just say hi, or maybe just anwering her calls. The reason why I still couldn't believe it at the moment was because the night before, the day before, I went to their house, she's still fine. And before she passed away, she still lead pengajian for her student's grandchild's akikah. So sudden.
Well, regret is useless now. She is in the better place anyway. No more pain, no more sickness, no more meds. She's watching us from above. I still can't believe now a year has passed. A lot of things happened for a year after she's gone. I used to live with grandpa to accompany him. I ignore my thesis. My grandpa was re-married. I finally graduated (the things she asked me for a year before she passed, and I feel sorry for not graduated sooner so she could see me, TT TT).
Nine years live with stroke, couldn't even walk normally, live everyday with meds, plus her diabetes and high tension, I believed she suffered. But she always gave her best, always cheerfully live her life everyday, always pampered her grandchildren, always been a loving grandma for everyone. She, who used to walk around to shops or just for fun, for 9 years had to sit down cause of her stroke, it must be hard. But now she's not suffer anymore.
Umi, wherever you are now, I hope you happy. You are forever in our hearts. No one can replace you. You are the best teacher, the Guru, the one who teached us to be a better person, to be a better muslims. I am very sorry if I used to ignored you, picked a fight with you, hurt your heart.
Allahuma firlaha, warhamha, wa'afiha, wa'fuanha.
Ya Allah, berikan ia tempat tebaik di sisimu, jauhkan ia dari siksa kuburmu, berilah ia kubur yang terang, ampuni segala dosanya, angkatlah derajatnya, semoga ia meninggal secara khusnul khotimah. Aamiin.
Rest in peace, Umi. We love you to the moon and the back.
Mar 4, 2015
So, lately I've been post so many things here. From my soccer nerd thingy till reviews of some movies I've watched. Now, I just wanna post about something I really like to do but unfortunately I don't have enough equipments to make it great. What's that? Covering songs.
Yeah, I like singing. A LOT. And for the last few years, I have been like recording my singing with phone or audacity, yeah. But ended up not upload it anywhere. I have soundclouds accounts, some of my successful recordings were there now, but most of them ended up deleted by moi. Hehehehe....
Now, I really crave to do some covering song but have no songs in mind except this one song by Selena Gomez, The Heart Wants What It Wants and believe it or not it's not as simple as I thought it would be /sigh/. Let's finger cross so I could really do any song covering anytime soon. I'll let you guys know.
See ya...
P.S.: my soundcloud account is this >> like it, comment it, give me feedback. ciao!
So, lately I've been post so many things here. From my soccer nerd thingy till reviews of some movies I've watched. Now, I just wanna post about something I really like to do but unfortunately I don't have enough equipments to make it great. What's that? Covering songs.
Yeah, I like singing. A LOT. And for the last few years, I have been like recording my singing with phone or audacity, yeah. But ended up not upload it anywhere. I have soundclouds accounts, some of my successful recordings were there now, but most of them ended up deleted by moi. Hehehehe....
Now, I really crave to do some covering song but have no songs in mind except this one song by Selena Gomez, The Heart Wants What It Wants and believe it or not it's not as simple as I thought it would be /sigh/. Let's finger cross so I could really do any song covering anytime soon. I'll let you guys know.
See ya...
P.S.: my soundcloud account is this >> like it, comment it, give me feedback. ciao!
Mar 3, 2015
Review: The Imitation Game
Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch,
Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode, Mark Strong
Rating: 9 of 10
Year: 2014
Another Oscar nomination movie. Sebenarnya film ini yang lebih dulu
saya tonton daripada The Theory of Everything dan Still Alice. Tapi, saya
benar-benarmelakukan ‘save the best for the last’ karena bagi saya pribadi,
film ini nomor satu. Hehehhehe.
Film yang bercerita tentang seorang matematikawan bernama Alan Turing
yang hidup pada masa Perang Dunia II. Ia melamar sebagai pemecah kode di
Bletchey Park dan harus bekerja bersama tim dengan para encrypter lainnya untuk
memecahkan kode dari Enigma agar Inggris bisa memenangkan Perang melawan
Sekilas memang tampak berat ya isi ceritanya. Awalnya pun saya tidak
berpikir untuk menonton film ini. Namun adik saya yang kebetulan sedang ada di
Jakarta saat itu mengajak saya dan ibu saya untuk menonton film ini. Hasilnya?
Saya puas banget. Kenapa? Karena meskipun film ini perlu konsentrasi yang baik
untuk bisa dimengerti, ceritanya bagus banget.
Benedict yang berperan sebagai Alan Turing yang jenius tapi antik,
memerankan perannya dengan sangat baik. Bukan hanya membuat kita gemas, tapi
juga tertawa karena tingkah laku Alan yang kikuk, kaku, dingin namun tulus dan
jujur benar-benar menggelitik. Ceritanya sendiri menarik karena kita diajak
untuk mengikuti pengalaman-pengalaman Alan selama membuat mesin pemecah kode
enigma bernama ‘Christopher’. Dari tatapan sinis rekan setimnya, keraguan dari
atasannya, kemudian keadaannya yang menyukai sesama jenis yang pada saat itu
merupakan hal yang telarang dan interaksinya dengan seorang wanita cerdas dan
menarik (yang diperankan oleh Keira Knightley) merupakan hal-hal yang menarik
untuk ditonton.
Selain itu, alur cerita yang maju dan mundur juga menarik. Tidak
membosankan dan juga tidak membingungkan. At least, bagi saya pribadi. Meski
alurnya demikian, kita tidak akan bingung karena diberikan keterangan tahun
pada setiap kejadiannya.
Seperti yang sudah saya tulis, meski tema ceritanya tampak ‘berat’
namun filmnya sendiri tidaklah begitu. Kita akan bisa tetap tertawa di berbagai
bagian dan terhibur. Tapi, dibutuhkan konsentrasi penuh saat menonton film ini.
Karena jika konsentrasi kamu lewat sedikit aja, kamu bisa tidak mengerti bagian-bagian
berikutnya (paling tidak ini adalah testimoni teman yang mengakui lengah saat
menonton film ini).
Dengan film ini kamu akan merasakan amaze, excited, happy, funny,
bahkan sedih ketika Alan harus bersangkutan dengan kasus hukum. This is really a
recommended movie, terutama bagi kalian yang suka film-film yang berbasis
cerita nyata tokoh-tokoh dunia.
Salam dari si penggila film,
p.s: Benedict kece parah di sini...... hahahha walau ya... tonton dulu aja deh. ;p
Review: Still Alice
Haiii...... balik lagi mau review film. Sebenernya sih udah lama ya nontonnya, tapi baru bisa post sekarang review-nya. So here it is....
Cast: Julianne Moore, Alec
Baldwin, Kristen Stewart, Kate Bosworth, Hunter Parrish
Rating: 9 of 10
Year: 2014
Saya benar-benar terpukau setelah selesai menonton film ini. Mungkin
terpukau saja adalah understatement, tapi sungguh, kalau kalian bisa menemukan
kata yang lebih baik, boleh beritahu saya ya.
Ceritanya tentang seorang wanita bernama Alice, cerdas, sangat
berwawasan luas dan memiliki keluarga yang sempurna. Ia juga seorang dosen di
Universitas Colombia. What a life! Tapi, semuanya kemudian goyah ketika ia
didiagnosis terkena penyakit Alzheimer yang pelan-pelan membuatnya kehilangan
memori-memori berharganya.
Film ini, tidak seperti film-film yang mengangkat penyakit dalam
ceritanya, tidak membuat saya menangis. Bukan, bukan karena filmnya tidak
menggugah, namun dibawakan dengan cara yang dapat membuat orang yang menonton
merasa empati, bukannya iba. Saya merasa akting Julianne Moore sangatlah luar
biasa dalam film ini. Sehingga saya rasa, piala Oscar memang sangatlah pantas
untuk ia bawa pulang.
Cara Julianne Moore memerankan Alice sungguh... sulit untuk dijabarkan
dalam sebuah review ala-ala seperti ini. Bagi saya, perasaan Alice yang merasa
depresi, terluka dan takut dapat saya rasakan selama menonton film ini.
Semuanya terasa sangat real, sangat nyata. Seakan-akan, saya sedang mendengar
cerita dari teman saya, bukannya sedang menonton film. Rasanya melupakan
hal-hal yang kita sayangi, tentunya sakit. Berawal dari resep masakan, kemudian
nama, lalu melupakan jati dirinya. Sungguh, film ini merupakan film yang wajib
Selain Julianne Moore, akting-akting para supporting casts pun sangat
hebat. Bahkan menurut saya, akting Kristen Stewart di sini merupakan akting
terbaiknya (no offend to Kristen’s fans). Perasaan para anggota keluarga yang
menyaksikan hilangnya ingatan sang istri/ibu dalam waktu ke waktu, dapat sangat
kita rasakan. Secara tidak sadar, kita seperti tersedot ke dalam kehidupan
Alice dan keluarganya, menyaksikan Alice perlahan ‘hilang’ namun tetap di sana.
Pokoknya, daripada saya muter-muter, saya benar-benar rekomendasikan
film ini untuk ditonton. Bukan hanya karena film ini adalah film nominasi
Oscar, tapi ceritanya juga dijamin bisa membuat kalian masuk ke dalamnya dan
enggan untuk keluar ketika filmnya usai.
Salam dari si penggila film,
p.s.: katanya, yang bikin cerita ini (atau sutradaranya ya saya lupa) didiagnosis ALS lho.... cmiiw ya... :)
Mar 2, 2015
#KTBFFH : Finally, A Trophy After 3 Years of Waiting
Kata-kata di atas atau lebih pas dibilang slogan itu pasti nggak asing buat penggemar sepak bola, terutama fans Chelsea. Kenapa? Karena slogan ini seperti halnya You Never Walk Alone punya Liverpool atau The Red Devils punya Manchester United, merupakan slogannya Chelsea.
Trus kenapa tumbenan bahas bola lagi? Karena oh karena, kemarin malam, kalau di sini tadi pagi dini hari, Chelsea akhirnya bisa kembali mengangkat piala setelah terakhir dapat piala tahun 2012-an (correct me if I'm wrong, ya). DAN GUE SENENG! Mungkin kalau yang udah baca blog ini sejak dulu tahu kalau gue fansnya Chelsea. Yang baru ya, jadi tahu ya sekarang gue suka sama Chelsea (dan Bayern Munchen).
Sebenernya gue udah lama banget nggak nonton bola. And you don't know how I miss the moment of watching soccer matches. Kemarin, gue dapet update-an dari Line account nya Chelsea Indonesia kalau malamnya akan ada pertandingan final Capital One Cup di Wembley antara Chelsea vs Tottenham Hotspur. Ini nih musuh bebuyutan juga, sekota pula. Sama lah kayak halnya MU dan ManCit. Chelsea, Tottenham dan Arsenal itu musuh bebuyutan dan seringkali kalau tanding di EPL disebut pertandingan Derby London. Anyway, sebenernya pengen banget nonton. Tapi gue nggak tahu tayang di mana. Akhirnya gue sebelum tidur cuma berdoa semoga Chelsea menang.
And, my pray came true. Paginya cek timeline Line ada update dari Chelsea bilang mereka menang! Sebuah juara di tengah keringnya piala selama 3 tahun. Seinget gue terakhir dapet piala tuh pas Champions 3 tahun lalu (nanti akan gue cek ulang). Dan ini adalah piala pertama setelah Jose Mourinho balik jadi manager. YEAY!
Tadi baca berita. Jadi, skor akhir adalah 2-0, skor pertama dicetak oleh John Terry ('45) dan skor kedua oleh Diego Costa ('56). Seperti yang udah gue sebutin sebelumnya, piala ini piala pertama setelah Mou balik ke Chelsea. Hal ini mau nggak mau bikin kita ingat piala pertama Mou di Chelsea bertahun-tahun lalu, yaitu piala Liga (dan gue berharap tahun ini piala liga jatuh ke tangan Chelsea. It's been a damn long time). Dan, kalau melihat dari pemain yang diturunkan sama Mou, original player dari saat itu cuma John Terry sama Petr Cech. Sisanya, udah nyebar sekarang (bikin kangen sumpah ya).
Biar gitu, gue mengutip kata-kata John Terry
Biar gitu, gue mengutip kata-kata John Terry
"I don't see it as my last (visit to Wembley), hopefully there are many more to come for me."Gue juga berharap hal yang sama, Bang. Karena Lampard udah nggak ada (karena kontrak nggak diperpanjang) cuma lo kayaknya yang masih gue cinta (aih najong. Well, ada Drogba, Cech dan lain-lain sih sebenernya).
So, let's hope this is the only beginning ya untuk Chelsea. Untuk ke depannya meraih piala-piala lainnya. Masih ada Liga dan Champions (yang ini pasti gue tau), dan yang lain kayaknya masih ada cuma gue nggak yakin aja. Sebagai fans, gue hanya bisa mendoakan yang terbaik. Karena gue berharap, Bendera Biru Akan Terus Tinggi Berkibar... #KTBFFH
Ini foto-foto yang bikin gue merinding sekaligus pengen nangis karena bangga dan bahagia.
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whole team with the new cup/trophy |
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John Terry with The Special One holding the trophy |
Spurs' player gave a clap for Chelsea's victory, such a great game |
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John Terry, Didier Drogba and the others with the cup |
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the celebration on the tribun, Terry held the cup proudly |
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the team with happy Mou and the cup |
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how the Special 'Mou' One celebrated the winning last night |
Gue rasa, cukup deh. Hehehehe.... hope the update is fine. Till next time.
Mar 1, 2015
When There's a Moment to Celebrate Anything....
Jadi gini. Hari ini, well, di jam gue udah jam 12.04 sih jadi mungkin gue harusnya bilang kemarin ya. Jadi kemarin, gue janjian buat pergi sama Kadew ke Central Park. Awalnya gue pikir mah ya acara ketemu-ketemuan biasa gitu. Vinsa dateng juga. Tapi, sebelumnya gue bilang ke Kadew buat nggak bilang ke Vinsa kalo gue bisa dateng (dengan alasan gue harus ngajar, ya memang jadwal ngajar gue Sabtu sih). Ternyata rencana awalnya adalah mereka ke sana mau dateng ke acara ulang tahun Dreamers yang ketiga. Tapi, alasan sebenarnya lagi.... Kayaknya sih nggak sebegitu pengennya partisipasi, ya ujung-ujungnya emang ketemu temen lagi. Hahahahha....
Diawali dengan gue yang dateng kepagian karena nebeng bokap buat ke halte Transjakarta yang di Cawang, depan kantor bokap. Janjiannya emang di daerah Cawang deh pokoknya karena Kadew naik kereta dari Cibinong dan turun di St. Cawang. Long story short, Kadew ternyata baru cabut jam 10an, sementara gue jam segitu udah duduk manis di halte Cikoko St. Cawang. Butuh waktu sekitar satu jam buat sampe sana. Gapapa lah... nunggu.
Setelah sejam lumutan, ngeliatin bis TJ yang pergi, bis APTB yang udah dateng berganti-ganti trayek, akhirnya Kadew sampe.... yeaaaay (insert stiker Line nenek-nenek bawa pompom). Ga perlu nunggu lama, gue dan Kadew langsung cuuuuusssss ke CP. Ngobrol, curhat, ketawa-tawa pokoknya sepanjang jalan nggak diem (gue sih mostly yang ngomong... BWAHAHAHA). Sampe di CP, ternyata Kadew ketemu temennya, Ninis, yang ikut lomba nyanyi di ajang Dreamstar apa gitu gue lupa namanya...
Jadi kita langsung caw ke kamar mandi, Ninis ganti baju plus make up-an. Gue seperti biasa ya ngeliatin aja.. hahaha. Tapi in the end gue bantuin kok. Bantuin benerin jilbabnya. Nah abis itu, kita ke luar lagi, karena acaranya udah mau mulai dan Ninis ini dapet urutan 4. Sambil nunggu ternyata Vinsa datang sama temennya, Pichan. Gue, yang emang pengen bikin surpres, ngumpet aja di balik booth registration. Untung nggak ketauan. Cuma pada akhirnya ya gue keluar lah... hahahah. Kangen banget sama dia nih. Biasanya berantem di Whatsapp doang.
Betewe selain Ninis dan Pichan, gue juga sempet kenalan sama Tika, yang ikut lomba juga. Nice. Punya tiga kenalan baru. Things I really want to celebrate (iya lho ini prestasi. Dan untung Ninis dan Tika anaknya ngobrol juga jadi gue bisa ngobrol juga. Ngerti kan ya?).
Yang penasaran sama penampakannya Ninis dan Tika ini di bawah:
Yang gue seneng dari hari ini adalah, gue bisa jalan sama Kadew dan Vinsa plus ketemu temen baru yang seru, dan kita berlima tetep bisa ngobrol suka-suka tanpaaaa nyuekin yang lain. Maksudnya, biasanya ketika lo jalan sama temen lo dalam jumlah ganjil, ada satu yang akan tersisih. Tapi tadi nggak gitu. Di saat gue ngobrol sama Kadew, Vinsa, Ninis dan Pichan ngobrol. Di saat gue dan Vinsa ngobrol, sisanya pun ngobrol. Mungkin, gue masih kurang bisa ngobrol sama Pichan, but still it's a great thing to have a new friend after all. Kalo memang bakal ketemu lagi, semoga sih bisa ngobrol ya. Hehehe....
So, what a little moment can make you happy? And how a moment can be such a time to celebrate? Di moment ultahnya Dreamers, siapa sangka gue juga bisa ngerayain pertemanan gue, Kadew, Vinsa yang jalan 2 tahun? Siapa sangka bakal bisa dapet temen baru? Ini celebrate-able banget (ya, maafkan gue kalo suka memerkosa bahasa. Sumpah nggak maksud).
I am very grateful and enjoy the time we spent yesterday.
Wish the 2 years can go to 3, 4, 5 and eternity.
love ya'll...
P.S: detail acara Dreamers plus foto-fotonya menyusul nanti ya. Mau diberesin dulu foto-fotonya. :)
Jadi gini. Hari ini, well, di jam gue udah jam 12.04 sih jadi mungkin gue harusnya bilang kemarin ya. Jadi kemarin, gue janjian buat pergi sama Kadew ke Central Park. Awalnya gue pikir mah ya acara ketemu-ketemuan biasa gitu. Vinsa dateng juga. Tapi, sebelumnya gue bilang ke Kadew buat nggak bilang ke Vinsa kalo gue bisa dateng (dengan alasan gue harus ngajar, ya memang jadwal ngajar gue Sabtu sih). Ternyata rencana awalnya adalah mereka ke sana mau dateng ke acara ulang tahun Dreamers yang ketiga. Tapi, alasan sebenarnya lagi.... Kayaknya sih nggak sebegitu pengennya partisipasi, ya ujung-ujungnya emang ketemu temen lagi. Hahahahha....
Diawali dengan gue yang dateng kepagian karena nebeng bokap buat ke halte Transjakarta yang di Cawang, depan kantor bokap. Janjiannya emang di daerah Cawang deh pokoknya karena Kadew naik kereta dari Cibinong dan turun di St. Cawang. Long story short, Kadew ternyata baru cabut jam 10an, sementara gue jam segitu udah duduk manis di halte Cikoko St. Cawang. Butuh waktu sekitar satu jam buat sampe sana. Gapapa lah... nunggu.
Setelah sejam lumutan, ngeliatin bis TJ yang pergi, bis APTB yang udah dateng berganti-ganti trayek, akhirnya Kadew sampe.... yeaaaay (insert stiker Line nenek-nenek bawa pompom). Ga perlu nunggu lama, gue dan Kadew langsung cuuuuusssss ke CP. Ngobrol, curhat, ketawa-tawa pokoknya sepanjang jalan nggak diem (gue sih mostly yang ngomong... BWAHAHAHA). Sampe di CP, ternyata Kadew ketemu temennya, Ninis, yang ikut lomba nyanyi di ajang Dreamstar apa gitu gue lupa namanya...
Jadi kita langsung caw ke kamar mandi, Ninis ganti baju plus make up-an. Gue seperti biasa ya ngeliatin aja.. hahaha. Tapi in the end gue bantuin kok. Bantuin benerin jilbabnya. Nah abis itu, kita ke luar lagi, karena acaranya udah mau mulai dan Ninis ini dapet urutan 4. Sambil nunggu ternyata Vinsa datang sama temennya, Pichan. Gue, yang emang pengen bikin surpres, ngumpet aja di balik booth registration. Untung nggak ketauan. Cuma pada akhirnya ya gue keluar lah... hahahah. Kangen banget sama dia nih. Biasanya berantem di Whatsapp doang.
Betewe selain Ninis dan Pichan, gue juga sempet kenalan sama Tika, yang ikut lomba juga. Nice. Punya tiga kenalan baru. Things I really want to celebrate (iya lho ini prestasi. Dan untung Ninis dan Tika anaknya ngobrol juga jadi gue bisa ngobrol juga. Ngerti kan ya?).
Yang penasaran sama penampakannya Ninis dan Tika ini di bawah:
Ini Ninis (before she sings) |
Ini Ninis dan Tika (after they sang) |
So, what a little moment can make you happy? And how a moment can be such a time to celebrate? Di moment ultahnya Dreamers, siapa sangka gue juga bisa ngerayain pertemanan gue, Kadew, Vinsa yang jalan 2 tahun? Siapa sangka bakal bisa dapet temen baru? Ini celebrate-able banget (ya, maafkan gue kalo suka memerkosa bahasa. Sumpah nggak maksud).
I am very grateful and enjoy the time we spent yesterday.
Wish the 2 years can go to 3, 4, 5 and eternity.
love ya'll...
P.S: detail acara Dreamers plus foto-fotonya menyusul nanti ya. Mau diberesin dulu foto-fotonya. :)
Celebrating the Moment,
New Friends,
Celebrating the Almost 2 Years for Being Friends
Sebelum hari ini berganti..... gue pengen ngucapin terima kasih buat temen-temen gue, Kadew, Vinsa... ternyata kita udah hampir 2 tahun kenal da alhamdulillah berteman ya....
I will always treasure the time we're together though. Sorry for not being able to be a good friend, yet. But well, 2 years is still young and I believe we're still counting the years that will come, right?
Friendship never end.... hope so...
Sebelum hari ini berganti..... gue pengen ngucapin terima kasih buat temen-temen gue, Kadew, Vinsa... ternyata kita udah hampir 2 tahun kenal da alhamdulillah berteman ya....
I will always treasure the time we're together though. Sorry for not being able to be a good friend, yet. But well, 2 years is still young and I believe we're still counting the years that will come, right?
Friendship never end.... hope so...
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