Dec 18, 2009

December 18th , 18th Years Old

Selamat ulang tahun
Happy birthday
Otanjoubi omedetou
Saenggil chukkae
and.. whatever it called in another country.

Yeah, today is December 18th and i turn into 18th years old. Yeaay...
It's kinda weird. Because i just remembered when i celebrate my sweet 17th there're lot people missed it. but today... whoo-hooo! my FB wall just contains 'happy birthday' from lot of people. thank you fellas..

i really happy to know that in my birthday, there're lot of people care about me, love me, and remember me. even if i didnt know them well. just like my friends in forum, but they do care. i really grateful today..

i hope this year, this 18th year, i will get a lot of happiness, friends, succed, and a lot of wishes. and thank you for your best wishes too.

and in the end of today, December 18th, i just wanna say...



much love,

Dec 12, 2009



waaaah, its a long time ya..
udah lama banget gue ga ngisi ni blog. gomeeeeeeen... maklum sibuk. *digetok*

okay, lets begin

mungkin gue ga bakal post cerita dulu sekarang. cuma pengen tau aja, apa kabar semua?? hehehe, berasa konser.

jujur kehidupan kuliah justru bikin gue kangen ma sma ya? temen2 gimana? hehehe.. apalagi kuliah gue kibishi banget. yah, semoga sih bisa lancar2 aja. ketemu temen2 baru, senpai2 yang garing tapi seru, nemu keluarga baru, semoga, semoga, semogaaaaaaaaaa...

udah ah, short update aja
insya allah bakal sering update deh


ja, spread the love around us, and be happy as yourself

Aug 11, 2009



Ini nih yang gue sesali. Kenapa gue baru nyari grup jurusan gue sekarang? Kenapa ga dari kemaren? Masalahnya sih, bukan gue ketinggalan. Tapi, shocked! Abiiiiissss.

Awalnya gue cuma mau tau kapan gue di briefing sama kakak-kakak seniornya. Tapi ternyata, yang gue dapet lebih dari itu. Gue dapet web BEM FBS dari grup itu. Dia menulis

"Untuk Maba cek web ini ya"

Dan gue pun meng-klik. Dengan setengah mati deg2annya, gue berharap kabar baik dan penerangan buat masa depan gue (halah apaan sih?). Dan OMGDZ! Ternyata sudah terpampang gambar name tag buat maba FBS. Yah, berasa balik ke SMA deh gue. Eh iya, itu tulisan web-nya clickable loh.

Aduh Tuhan, ampun deh. emang sih ga pake bikin essay. Tapi semoga aja cuma ini aja ya. ga yang aneh-aneh lagi. Amin.

segitu dulu aja deh ya.



Aug 10, 2009

Just short Update...

I'm sooooooo happy today because CHELSEA won the Community Shield 2009. It will be good opening for them. Go for it CHELS. I believe you can be a Champion this year. Also a Premier League Winner. hehehe. Way To Go!!



It's been a loooooooong time break for me. I mean, okay, i love holiday or anything like that. I don't have to go to school, i don't have to study, but now, it's getting bored. hiks.

Menyadari teman-teman gue udah pada sibuk dengan jadwal masing-masing, gue pun rada sebel. Gue masih nganggur, padahal gue udah punya univ bahkan sebelum lulus. Aaah, lama banget niih.

Seperti judul post gue, ya, gue sendirian. Cuma bareng mbak gue sih. Adek gue sekolah, nyokap kerja lah, bokap juga. nah, ditinggal sendirian, gue jadi bingung mau ngapain. Mau maen, ga punya duit. dengerin lagu, bosen. mesti donlot baru. Nonton tipi, percaya ga percaya ya, kelamaan di rumah, gue jadi rada afal sama lagu-lagu Indonesia. Hehehe.

Bosen, sudah pasti. siapa yang ngga bosen yaa. Tapi ya itu, gue mau nggak mau nunggu aja kabar kapan ospek dan masuk kuliah. Katanya sih tanggal 31 Agustus. Yah, masih lama aje yeee..

Makanya gue bilang, Alone+Bored=GILA. Gue udah mulai gila nih di rumah. Bisa aja tau-tau gue lagi nyalain laptop trus gue muter-muter sendiri di depan tipi. saking ga ada kerjaannya. Mau bantuin mbak gue masak, bakal jadi apa masakannya? hahahha. Canda. Gini-gini gue bisa masak. nggak cuma mi sama aer men. Bisa banyak gue. Diem-diem gue udah punya banyak resep. Doain aja kalo gue punya duit mau bikin cafe ah. hahahaha. gaya bet gue.

ya udah ah. Just wanna share that thing out. Hehehe. inggris ngasal abees. huehehehe. yah, semoga aja gue ga jadi agak-agak al*y. amin. masalahnya apa yang gue tonton rata-rata ada mereka. huehehe. oh iya, tadi gue nonton Siapa Lebih Berani ada Etta dan Foi. Girang banget mereka di sana. dan Saykoji jagoan tuh. dapet 10 jt aja. hehehe.



Aug 6, 2009


Heyho... finally i'm back. after my internet was broken and i can't updating my blog. hahaha. im back with all brand new news.

Banyak banget ya kejadian yang terjadi 2 bulan belakangan ini. Bom, Mbah Surip. hehehe. Dan gue juga mau cerita banyaaaak banget sebenernya. Tapi gue coba untuk tidak bertele-tele kayak telenovela. huahhaha.

Writing Test For MONBUSHO

Tanggal berapanya gue agak lupa. Ooh, 29 Juli kemaren. Baru aja. Gue di telpon seminggu sebelumnya sama Kedubes. Kebayang kan perasaan gue? campur aduk abis. Di satu sisi gue Seneeeeeeeeeeng banget karena ini selangkah lebih maju untuk mimpi gue. Di sisi lain gue binguuuuuung banget karena gue bukan applied untuk S1 tapi cuma D2. Tapi ya udah lah. Yang penting ke JEPANG gitu deh. hahaha. Akhirnya gue mengiyakan. Tapi gue yang ogah-ogahan gitu. Baru nyari soal aja Jumat. Baru ngerjain tu soal Senen ya. lupa gue. Trus soalnya nggak gue print pula. Jadi masih di laptop gue. Pas hari H, gue bingung. Mau belajar di mana? Dan gue cuma bisa cengo dan entah kenapa gue kok pengen nangis. ya udah gue nangis deh. hehehe. Deg-deg an sumpah! Jam 1/2 1 gue masuk auditorium (btw, tesnya di Pusdi Jepang UI) dan duduk di sebelah cowok yang bernama Afdi dari Bogor. Dan tes itu berlangsung selama 3 jam (plus penjelasan, aslinya cuma 2 jam untuk 2 mata pelajaran) dan yang dites Mat sama Bhs Inggris. Bhs Inggris, sip. Insya Allah lah, keisi semua pula. Giliran Mat, HUADOH! gue cuma bisa isi 3. Mati aja deh tu soal. Dan sekarang, gue cuma berharap nilai gue bisa mencapai nilai 7 dan bisa dipanggil untuk diwawancara. I need more than luck for this. Help God. hehehe.


Kabar yang gue denger, dari 71 banyak ya yang keterima negeri? Apalagi UI katanya. Ih waw! Hahaha. Kalo kata adek gue, gue obsessed sama UI. So what? Almost every student do. hehehe. eh bener ga tuh bahasa inggris gue? sebodo lah! Anyway, gue seneng sekaligus miris. Hehehe. Sempet nyesel juga gue karena ga ikut. Sempet berpikir kalo gue nekat, gue bisa nggak ya dapet FIB UI sastra Jepang? heheheh. Tapi yasudahlah. kalo emang nantinya gue masih penasaran dan ternyata ga dipanggil buat wawancara, gue coba lagi taun depan (tapi gue berharapnya sih gue dipanggil wawancara jadi taun depan gue berangkat. hohohoho). And, Congrats ya buat semua yang udah dapet PTN. Berarti nanti campus expo 71 banyak dong yang dateng yaa.. hehehe. Buat yang belom dapet, ini cuma ketunda aja guys. percaya deh, lo semua pasti bisa dapet yang terbaik. Tuhan kan serba tahu, iya ga? Hope ALL the best for you all.

Mbah Surip

Innalillahiwainnailaihi roji'un
Mbah Surip yang selama 2 bulan ini jadi FENOMENA kini udah nggak ada. Kaget lho gue denger beliau udah nggak ada. Gue pikir becandaan aja. Ternyata beneran lho. Ya ampun. Dan tiba-tiba saja semua TV memutar 'In Memoriam Mbah Surip'. Bahkan OB Shift 2 aja diputer ulang yang ada Mbah Surip-nya. Yah, semoga aja Mbah Surip bisa tenang ya. Semoga amal dan ibadahnya diterima di sisi Allah SWT. Dan dia meninggalnya tenang banget. Pas tidur. Dan kata nyokap gue mukanya bersih. Yah semoga aja itu jadi cerminan dia nanti di sana ya. Tenang dan bisa menikmati tidur tenangnya. Amin.

Udah ah, capek ya gue curhat. hahahaha. Uanjiiir. Jadi kalap nih gue gara-gara internet gue udah 'sehat'. hahahaha. see you on my next post, guys. Keep watching, eh, reading. hahahaha. Kacaaaau...!



Jul 9, 2009




5 leters, one word. B-O-R-E-D.

Means BOSAN. Its exactly the same. 5 leters one word.

Really. This loong day off really pissed me off! Everyone busy.

Gila. Ga ada gitu yang bisa gue ajak pergi. Gue telpon pada pergi, ga punya duit, ga boleh pergi, sms ga di bales. Bla bla bla. Capek banget gue. Alesan aja lo semua.

Giliran gue pengen pergi sendirian, ga boleh. Kenapa sih? I am not a child anymore. Kenapa sih nyokap masih nggak ngebolehin gue jalan sendiri. toh gue udah gede ini. Cuma ke Gading pula kok.

Kemaren mau nonton ga jadi. Gue jadi bete sendiri. Semua orang udah nonton film yang mau gue tonton. Sepupu yang biasa gue ajakin jalan belom nonton sih, tapi gue ajakin pergi ga bisa. Sial banget. Adek gue puasa jadi ga bisa diajak ke mana-mana.

Facebook sekarang ngebosenin. Twitter cuma gue refresh doang. Plurk numpang lewat aja. YT bingung gue mau nonton apa. JPA ga ada balesan shoutbox dari 'adek' gue. Apa dooong!

Hiks, gila nih gue lama-lama. Pala gue pusing. Mau nonton DVD mual duluan. Kebanyakan sih. Mau tidur, males. Takut susah dibangunin. Mau makan, haha, sumpah males. Dari kemaren nih. Ya Allah, susah banget ya mensyukuri nikmat libur ini. Giliran libur bosen, pas ga libur pengen. We never satisfied arent we?



Pesta Demokrasi Indonesia. Benarkah?

Sehari yang lalu, 8 Juli 2009, Bangsa Indonesia mengadakan Pesta Demokrasi ke-2 yaitu Pemilu Presiden. Setelah sebelumnya tanggal 9 April 2009 diadain Pemilu Legislatif.

Sebenernya, gue mengharapkan pemilu kali ini berjalan damai-damai aja. Nggak ada protes-protes curang atau apalah. Tapi, ternyata emang nggak bisa lepas dari itu semua juga.

Sportif ga sportif, cuma masing-masing individu yang tau. Gue sih masih berharap siapapun pemenangnya semua calon bisa legowo menerima hasil dan keputusan itu. Jangan lagi-lagi saling nyalahin trus tuding-tudingan siapa yang mencurangi siapa.

Tapi emang bener kata berita, Pilpres ini bener-bener penuh drama. Bahkan melebihi drama-drama di reality show. Dari yang nyontreng dua kali, ada yang meninggal, ada juga yang ngerobek-robek kertas suara. Untuk apa? Toh dengan merobek kertas suara hasilnya ga akan berubah. Dan yang bikin geli, alasan dia ngerobek tu kertas suara cuma gara-gara panitia KPPS (iya bukan itu namanya?) nyamperin ayahnya yang lagi sakit di rumah untuk ikut nyontreng. Dan dia curiga ayahnya disuruh menyontreng salah satu calon yang disuruh panitia itu. It's silly. Trus, emang kalo kertas suaranya dirobek, bakalan beda?

Yah, itulah. Pesta Demokrasi Indonesia. Kalo kata berita lagi, Indonesia memang lagi berkembang dewasa untuk berdemokrasi. Tapi, ini bukan dewasa namanya. Semoga apapun hasilnya, siapapun pemenangnya, memang bisa membuat Indonesia menjadi lebih baik dari sekarang untuk 5 tahun ke depan.

By the way, gue juga nyontreng kemaren. Alhamdulillah, gue udah menggunakan hak gue untuk memilih. Semoga lo semua juga gitu. Sekarang yang gue pikirin adalah jari kelingking kiri gue yang biru dan menghitam gara-gara tinta. Anjir. Kuku gue jadi item nih. Kalo kuteks item sih gapapa deh.



Jul 7, 2009



I feel disturbed by someone. She is my junior. Yeah, my junior. She's soo annoying. Anyway, i feel regret for known her for all this time. Really.

This is why i dont like her that much.

1. she feels she's so important. She even looked at me with do-i-know-you kind of looking.
2. she feels she can do anything.
3. she feels SHE is EVRYTHING!
4. she ignored people.
5. she has two face. In front of me, she kind, but behind my back, who know?
6. she always make me feel UPSET.

And many more.

I'll never tell you who is she. But i just feel so mad at her in this time. She just text me about something that i do know. But i think she thought i dont know. How can i didnt know about what she text me? She is DISTURBIA. Well, now, i hope she can do her best. Anyway, she is my junior right? As a senior i have this responsibility to wish her all the best. Well, i dunno. Haha.

Hmm, again, feel sorry bout my english lately. Does it good? just give me a comment. Thanks.




Ohayou bloggers! I've got a post-tag from Kak Ayu some weeks ago by using her blog. She called this homework for me. So, i just take it as homework since i havent any homework again after graduated from HS. Hehe.

What you're supposed to do... and please do not spoil the fun...
Create a new post, copy and paste this post, delete my answers and type in yours.
Then tag 21 good friends and family INCLUDING the person who tagged you.
The theory is that you will learn one new thing about each of your friends.

1. Nifa (it's commonly used by the people around me)
2. Nipe/nph/Nifo (some of my friends make my nick by theirself)
3. Mbak/Cipa (it's only used for my family)

1. College student (In one month.)
2. Student (Ive just graduated from my HS hmm, a month ago?)
3. Homeless, eh, jobless. haha. (Pengacara, Pengangguran banyak acara? huahaha)

1. Bandung
2. Jakarta
3. Jakarta (well, that's why im sooooo sick of this crowded city..haha)

1. Arirang (eh, ini sih stasiun tv ya)/ Showbiz Extra, Pops In Seoul
2. Animax (any anime, yang pasti harus keren. haha)
3. Sport (ESPN, Star Sport), esp Soccer (Chelsea, Yeay!)

1. JAPAN,KOREA (ooh, im into those country)
2. United States of America

1. Cheese (huahaha) and Mayo (??)
2. Makanan buatan rumah
3. Makanan Indonesia (ooh, i LOVE Indonesia)

1. Study abroad to Japan
2. Go to College (sok-sokan ini sih. penasaran)
3. Get my very own Driving License

1. Falen
2. Nadya
3. Niwa (sotoy semua. haha)

1. Muse, MCR, The Rasmus, Maroon 5,
2. James Morrison, Kelly C, Amy Pearson, Rio Febrian,
3. BigBang, FT Island, SuJu, 2NE1, Se7en, Yamapi, NewS, Kattun, (well, gue mengkategorikan dalam 3 kategori. band, single, Asian. hehe.)

1. Badminton
2. Soccer (EPL!! CHELSEA!!)
3. Japan's Baseball League (kadang-kadang kalo nemu di ESPN)

1. Mineral Water
3. Yogurt

Then, I'm tagging this post to Kak Ayu, Nadya, Falen, Niwa, Fanny, Keisha .



Jul 6, 2009

SEVONE and Graduation Party Part 2

Oh-kay. Have you read the first part of this story? You better read that first than read this one. Hehe.

Okay. In the last post, i told you about SEVONE Cup, right? Then now, i want to tell you about my Graduation Party.

Well, firstly, my Graduation Party would be held at Unsada. Since Unsada is unworthy for Rp 250.000/each we want moved our Graduation Party ke gedung yang lebih worthy. There're sooo many options. But at the end, our Graduation Party was held at Gedung Pewayangan TMII.

Okay. I always want my Graduation Party to be special. So i think about, "mau diapain rambut gue buat wisudaan ya? masa cuma biasa aja?". Then, my mom suggest me to curly my hair and untuk itu gue butuh salon. Oke, nyalon doangan mah gue ayo!

But then, on H-1 my mom said to me "Kamu nanti bangun jam 1/2 4 lho ya. biar ga kesiangan. temen-temen kamu semua itu soalnya. nanti telat!"

WHAT! Gue mesti bangun jam segitu? Huah. Gue mengiyakan aja lah daripada daripada kan..
Akhirnya, pagi-pagi dengan mata masih merem melek gue ke salon. Gue adalah orang yang pertama dateng. Masih pada belom bangun juga itu mbak-mbak salonnya.

Yasudh laah. Akhirnya, gue dilayani juga (jiaaah). Gue dimake up dulu. Dan ALIS gue di rapiin. Sebenernya gue gamau, tapi nyokap gue nyuruh. yaudah.

(kira-kira 2 jam-an lah gue di make up dan di keriting kecil)

Setelah itu, gue pulang dengan menutupi muka gue. Malu. Untung masih pagi. Sampe rumah, gue makan, ganti baju trus siap-siapin apa yang mau gue bawa. Trus, gue foto sama bokap karena yang ke wisuda itu nyokap. Abis itu, gue pergi deeh.

Nah, sebenernya yang gue seneng dari acara ini cuma karena gue bisa ketemu sama temen-temen gue lagi. Kapan lagi coba? Dan kita di sana (terutama anak kelas gue) bukannya ngikutin prosesi dengan baik malah foto-foto trus ribut sendiri. Haha.

Oke, ini foto-foto kami. haha. Narsis banget. Tapi seneng.

Ini pas di depan, belom masuk hall

Ini semua kerjaannya Wally. Ga beres emang itu anak. (Wally, yang mukanya close up di foto terakhir lho)

Ini sebelum baris untuk foto sekelas

Ini foto sekelas. XII IPS 2

with my besties after foto kelas

That's it. Tiringly AWESOME day. Why i said that day is tiring day? Because after that, i went to Japan Embassy to take my form for Monbusho Scholarship (read another post before this). That was tired. But, i have fun with my besties after all. Haha. Cant forget this and that. I wish they'll get what they want. For exp. PTN. Good luck guys. Will miss you A LOT!



Jul 5, 2009

SEVONE and Graduation Party Part 1

It's a bit late, i know.

Okay, firstly i want to posted this thing at the day when SEVONE Cup was held. But then, my father always use the laptop and i just can open Twitter, Plurk. So i just wait.

Then, the graduate party was coming. It held on June 23rd. I took many picture but i really get busy with those scholarship things. So, im not posting anything.

Then today, i just feel little boring so i remember about those picture and i think, i want share with you all. And again, im sorry for my poor grammar. As long as you can understand what my point, i think its okay.

First thing first.

SEVONE Cup, honestly is the Biggest Event yang mau diadain sama OSIS angkatan gue. But, unfortunately, our Headmistress (Bu KD, sebelum Pak HS) didnt allowed the proposal. So, it's always pending, pending, until our time is over. Jadi, proposalnya diterusin ke angkatan di bawah gue. It's really sad.

It held on June 21st -25th. There're bazaar too and i have a stand there. Jadi setiap hari selama SEVONE Cup berlangsung, gue dateng buat jagain stand dan nonton sekalian. Tapi, karena pas hari pertama stand gue ada di belakang, jadi gue ga bisa dapet foto pembukaannya. Tapi hari kedua sampe terakhir stand gue pindah ke depan jadi gue bisa nonton. But i just took pictures when 71's team play ya. And few performance from dance, tatra, cheers.

Here the photos of the event:

Sebelum pertandingan

Terjadinya gol-gol oleh tim Sapta Eka

Tim basket 71 pd quarter ke-3 menang 23-10

Fernand Hutabarat's ball jugling

futsal artis vs futsal 71 (2-3)

All Star 71 (Saman, Chelsea, Salzeus)

Yah, kira-kita begitulah recapnya. Why i just add 1 of many pictures from salzeus (dance)? Honestly, guys, they not really good at that time. I think that because their new member. Maybe they need more practice.

And that's SEVONE Cup. How about my Graduation Party? I think, i will post it later. On the next post. I promise. haha. See ya.



Jul 2, 2009

No Heartbeats for THIS Result

Haha. No no. Im not dead. I mean no heartbeat is hmm.. deg-degan gitu lhoo. Yeah, just too hard to find the same meaning word in English. haha. Called me dork then.

Okay. I just feel like nothing happened when the result of SIMAK and UMB is getting closer. I just think that "Oh, okay. I wish i can make it. UI here i come." That's it. But i didnt feel worried, nervous, or anything like that. Isnt it hmm Pertanda (i dont know what's pertanda in English)?

Why i called it pertanda? Coz, when i didnt feel nervous or heartbeats, i didnt make it. haha. Yeah, the result is always "Maaf Anda belum dapat bla bla bla.." But when i feel it, it happened when i have the result from UNJ, i can make it. For example. I get the result when im in Salon. You know, im frustrated. I can see internet there. Alias ga ada pulsa. Akhirnya gue pinjem hp nyokap dan ke situsnya UNJ. Gue cek nama gue dan ada. Tapi gue masih ga percaya. Gue bener2 deg-degan dan gak sabar buat nyampe rumah.

Sesampenya gue di rumah, gue langsung ngusir adek gue yang ada di depan komputer dan langsung ke situsnya UNJ. And you know what? Im in. haha. Im so happy. That's why gue nganggep kejadian2 pas SIMAK dan UMB adalah pertanda gue ga masuk UI. haha. Emang jalan gue di UNJ kali yaaa. Walau gue jalan muter-muter, tetep aja gue ke UNJ-UNJ juga. haha.



Jun 28, 2009

Box of Things..

I dont really know what i wanna write in this post. But, since im here, i'll try to spill it out.

Do you know, many people still think that IPA is better than IPS? No offense, but, some people in IPA just take IPC, sometimes just IPS, for their exam an this is really make me upset. If they have choosen to be an IPA students, then why they still take an IPS major? Why they didnt take IPS from the first time? Once again, no offense. It's just my opinion.

Well, talking about box, its kinda funny when i knew that one of my family member is going to IPS. I was very welcoming her and happy. But, again, her family, didnt want her to going to IPS. What the hell! They ask her to move from her school, which is my almamater too, to another school. Maybe they think she can going to IPA.

Anyway, its kinda lame. This box irritated me. You know, box of things. Like IPA and IPS, male and female, boys and girls, and bla bla bla things.

It must change. Zaman udah berubah. Udah bukan masanya lagi mengotak-ngotakkan IPA dan IPS. So, now im asking you, Do you think so? Or, what do you think exactly? Tell me.



Jun 18, 2009

What If...

This is the time i was worried for.

When im confused about my future. About everything ive been through. About ME.

Im just thinking about this. In my whole life, i always dream about Japan. Im going to school in Japan. I will be there to take my undergraduate program. And now, its just happens to me. My dream WILL come true.

But again. Im confused. Why? First, my avg score isnt enough for undergraduate program. Its just enough for D2. Second, my rapor isnt out yet. Whereas, i need that for take the scholarship form. Third, the dateline getting closer. Its June 24th. Oh God, what ive to do?

Some people say, just follow your heart. But, i cant just follow my heart. Ooh..

What if i give up on this?
What if i just let go of my dream and realize?
What if i just do what my best in Indonesia even i really adore Japan?
What if...
What if...
What if...

And What if... I regret all of this and wish i never dream about it?


Jun 17, 2009



Gue baru aja dari sekolah tadi. Niatnya mau intensif karena soal gue masih di Kak Ana. Tapi ternyata kayaknya ga ada intensif deh. Dan tadi, anak2 banyak banget yang dateng karena pada mau ambil SKHUS, sementara sebelum ada ijazah dari pemerintah.

Gue deg-deg an banget. Masih berharap nilai gue bagus. Supaya kalo di rata2 in jadi 8.4 ke atas. Ternyata, harapan gue terkabul. NEM gue rata2nya 8.5-an. Gue awalnya mikir, gue bisa nih ambil Undergraduate Monbusho Scholarship atau Beasiswa Monbusho untuk S1. Masih senang2 nih gue sampe rumah.

Nah, agak mulai buyar impian gue pas liat web-nya. Di sana tertulis nilai ijazah. Nah lho! Nilai ijazah itu nilai UAN, UAS apa gabungan? Gue terus mikir sambil nge-save soal2 monbusho 2007 plus jawabannya. Siapa tahu bisa gue pake belajar kan?

Sampe akhirnya gue mencatat nomor kontak Kedubes Jepang. Tadi pagi sih nyokap nyuruh gue nanya ke sana untuk mastiin lagi. Sebenernya, gue males. Kenapa? Ya, gue itu ga gitu suka nelpon yang kayak gitu. Nelpon Pizza untuk pesen aja males. Okay, balik ke topik deh. Akhirnya abis sholat pun, gue langsung ambil tuh kertas bertuliskan nomor telpon dan duduk di sebelah meja telpon. Dengan dag dig dug gue memencet nomor itu. Ini cuplikan percakapan.

PK (pegawai Kedubes)
G (gue)
PP (pegawai Kedubes Pendidikan)

PK: Halo selamat siang, good afternoon
G: Halo, Mbak. Kalo mau nanya tentang beasiswa Monbusho di mana ya?
PK: Sebentar ya, saya sambungkan dengan pendidikan
G: Oke.

(gue nunggu masih dengan dag dig dug. nggak lama kemudian)

PP: Ya dengan pendidikan selamat siang
G:Siang Mas. Kalau mau ikut beasiswa Monbusho, apa aja yang perlu disiapin ya?
PP: Anda lulusan SMA?
G: Iya, Mas.
PP: Oh, ya. Bawa nilai UAN dan UAS serta rapor terakhir kelas 3 untuk ambil formulir. Minimal nilai untuk S1 8.4, D3 dan D2 8.0
G: Ooh. Hmm, nilai rata-ratanya UAN sama UAS digabung terus dibagi semua ya, Mas?
PP: Iya.
G: Oh iya kalau belum dapat rapor mesti minta dari sekolah dulu ya? (sumpah ini pertanyaan bodoh banget. ya iyalah nif!!)
PP: Iya. Kalau tidak lengkap, kami tidak bisa memberi formulir pendaftaran
G: Oh. Tanggal 24 itu terakhir ambil formulir atau terakhir pengumpulan berkas?
PP: Terakhir pengumpulan berkas. Tanggal 24 semua berkas harus sudah masuk ke kami
G: Oh, gitu ya. Makasih ya Mas
PP: Baik, selamat siang

(Gue tutup langsung telponnya dan berlari ke kamar)

Pas banget abis telpon, gue langsung ngambil HP dan menuju SKHUS gue untuk menghitung rata2 gue. Gue jumlah tuh total nilai UAN sama UAS gue dan gue bagi 13. Ternyata oh ternyata, rata2nya cuma 7.5-an. Gue lemes. Jangan S1, D2 aja ga dapet. Gue langsung nelpon nyokap dan mengabarkan hal ini.

Kata nyokap, udah dicoba aja. Dan pas gue lagi telponan ma nyokap, gue tiba2 inget. Kayaknya, satu mapel ga di UAS-in. Abis selesai nelpon, gue lari lagi ke SKHUS gue dan liat ternyata dugaan gue bener. Bodoh banget gue tadi ngebagi dengan 13. Harusnya cuma 12. Gue ulang lagi penghitungan gue dan ternyata....

Nilai rata2 gue 8.1-an. Gue masih ada harapan. Yah, walau nggak S1 tapi masih bisa ambil D2. Kenapa ga D3? D3 hanya untuk lulusan IPA karena itu kayak ITB gitu deh. Teknik.

Yah.. Sial! Semua gara2 PKN gue nih yang nilainya 6.70. Masa sih itu nilai gue? Gue kan udah mengerahkan seluruh usaha gue. Trus, masa Jepang gue cuma 8.44? Yah, sudahlah. Yang penting, gue masih ada harapan untuk ngambil formulir walau cuma D2. Gue bakal usahain bisa terus dapet beasiswa untuk nerusin S1 di sana. Siapa tahu gue jadi kaya trus bisa ngirim nyokap dan adek gue ikut ke Jepang. Haha.. Kita emang perlu mimpi kan?

Well, wish me luck you guys. Doain gue menjadi salah satu siswa yang bisa lolos dan terbang ke Jepang tahun depan ya.. See ya and good luck for every dreams you make.



Jun 16, 2009

List and Questions

Can you name 30 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 30 people. No cheating!
1. Fiky
2. Sari
3. Ade
4. Tsania
5. Holidud
6. Lele
7. Lala
8. Putu
9. Dandy
10. Ai
11. Pande
12. Lastov
13. Rayhan
14. Oka
15. Ahong
16. Dita
17. Shasa
18. Ryan
19. Abay
20. Tephen
21. Somat
22. Aruga
23. Belyn
24. Afi
25. Caca
26. Dhilla
27. Inop
28. Yoyo
29. Aju
30. Javan

• How did you meet 10?
Pas padus. tapi gatau deng. dia muncul tiba-tiba. haha. piss! :9

• What would you do if you had never met 6?
haha..hampa hidup gue tanpa tawa..

• What would you do if 20 and 15 dated?
Tobat lo berdua. haha..tapi lucu aah..

• If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be?
Wadaw!! yang satu ikan satunya lagi cowok tapi aneh. GA AH!!

• Did you ever like 9?
Yep. but not that Dandy yaa..

• Have you ever seen 4 cry?
hmm, lupa. tapi kayaknya ga. eh, apa pernah ya?

• Would 4 and 12 make a good couple?
Wah, kenal aja nggak kok.

• Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple?
YA NGGAK LAH!! udah nggak normal kali.

• Describe 8
orang Bali, temen maen, lucu, kocak, haha..

• Do you like 12?
yeah. hes a good friend. :D

• Tell me something about 17
BERSEMANGAT!! kangen banget sama dia.

• What's 7's favorite color?

• What would you do if 1 just confessed they liked you?
Love you more darl.

• When was the last time you talked to number 15?
Kemaren di skolah pas maen UNO

• How do you think 19 feels about you?
wuahaha.. tau.

• What languages does 13 speak?
wah, ga berani ngocol nih gue. indonesia inggris kali. oh, jerman juga. (sotoy banget sih!)

• Who is 2 going out with ?
wa, ga berani sebut merek. udah putus pula. haha.

• What grade is 16 in?
grade? fresh graduate from HS.

• What is 5's favorite music?
agak rock gitu deh. Muse, A7x, dll.

• Would you ever date 3?
oh, iya jaman smp. iya ga ade darling? ;)

• Is 11 single?
I think so. dia terlalu misterius. haha. becanda mulu sih!

• What is 10s last name?

• Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 7?
yesh. as bff.

• Where does 18 live?
wah, kampung dia di pisangan sana. haha.

• What do you think about 20?
cina nyebelin, tapi asyik ya phen. hehe..

• What is the best thing about 4?

• Is 21 hard-working?
apaan! haha.. males lo kan mat?! jyahaha..

• What would you like to tell 14 right now?
Wey kampret.. hahah...

• How did you meet 9?
SD. yah, ketauan deh. ahahai.

• What is the best and worst thing about 2?
Best : Kocak
worst : autis piss ai..

• Are you going to know 3 forever?

• How long have you known 26?
Setaun yang asyik. VIVA EPL ya dhil.

• Who is 24?
my lovely lil brother.

• Are you or did you ever date 28?
Hoahahahaha... males. GA LAAH!! beda iman pula. cukup temen yaa yo!!

• Do you have a crush on 27?
yeah. haha.. oji-san kuu..

• Would you kiss 25?
maybe. tapi kayaknya dia yang kabur gue cium. haha.

• Have you hugged/kissed 22?
ahaha. never. gue geplak iya. hehe piss men!

• Is 29 your bff?
Hell Yeah!!

• What do you hate about 23?
hmm, jarang bales wall gue.

• What's your relationship with 30?

Huea..pusing gue roll atas bawah. haha.. wah, tapi lumayan lah. thanks.




Copy this list, go to your own blog.Then, put x's next to the films you've seen, add them up, change the header adding your number, and click post at the bottom. Have fun.

Teen/ Romance:
(1) A Cinderella Story
(2) Another Cinderella Story
(3) Step Up
(4) Step Up 2
(5) High School Musical
(6) High School Musical 2
(7) High School Musical 3
( ) Hannah Montana Movie
(8) Enchanted
( ) Sydney White
(9) She's the Man
(10) Licensed to Wed
( ) The Break-up
(11) 13 going on 30
(12) 27 Dresses
( ) P.S I Love You
( ) Made of Honor
(13) What Happens in Vegas
(14) Get Smart
( ) The Princess Bride
(15) Camp Rock
(16) Wild Child
(17) Ella Enchanted
(18) The Princess Diaries
(19) The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
( ) 50 First Dates
(20) The Lizzie McGuire Movie
( ) Hotel For Dogs
( ) Just Married
(21) Freaky Friday
( ) The Hot Chick
(22) Sleepover
(23) Confessions Of a Shopaholic
(24) Twilight
(25) Nancy Drew
(26) The Devil Wears Prada
( ) No Reservations
(27) Perfect Man
( ) Australia
(28) Never Been Kissed

( ) Yes Man
( ) Bedtime Stories
( ) The Pink Panther
( ) The Pink Panther 2
( ) Marley & Me
( ) Cheetah Girls
(29) Cheetah Girls 2
(30) Bratz
(31) Haunted Mansion
( ) Paul Blart Mall Cop
( ) The 40-year-old virgin
(32) Night at the Museum
( ) Night at the Museum 2
( ) Evan Almighty
( ) Bruce Almighty
(33) White Chicks
( ) Neverending Story
( ) Meet the Spartans
( ) Meet the Parents
(34) Meet the Fockers
( ) Scream
( ) Scream 2
( ) Scream 3
(35)Scary Movie
(36) Scary Movie 2
(37) Scary Movie 3
(38) Scary Movie 4
(39) American Pie
(40) American Pie 2
(41) American Pie Band

(42)Harry Potter 1: The Sorcerer’s Stone
(43) Harry Potter 2: The Chamber's Secret
(44) Harry Potter 3: Prisoner of Azkaban
(45) Harry Potter 4: Goblet of Fire
(46) Harry Potter 5: Order of Phoenix
(47) Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
( )Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
( ) Lord of the Rings: Return Of the King
(48) Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
(49) Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian
( ) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
( ) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
( ) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
( ) Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
( ) The Mummy
( )The Mummy 2
( ) The Mummy 3
( ) Journey to the Centre of Earth
( ) City of Ember
(50) Finding Neverland
(51) Pirates of the Caribbean
(52) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest
(53) Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End
(54) X-Men
( ) X-Men 2
(55) X-Men Origins Wolverine
(56) Spider-Man
(57) Spider-Man 2
(58) Spider Man 3
( ) King Kong
( ) Hellboy
( ) Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace
( ) Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones
( ) Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith
( ) Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope
( ) Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back
( ) Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi
( ) Underdog
(59) A Series Of Unfortunate Events
(60) Batman: The Dark Knight

Action/ Thriller
(61) The Matrix
(62) The Matrix Reloaded
(63) The Matrix Revolutions
( ) Terminator
(64) Terminator 2
(65) Terminator 3
( ) Ocean's Eleven
( ) Ocean's Twelve
( ) Ocean’s Thirteen
( ) Casino Royale 007
( ) Bourne Identity
( ) Bourne Supremecy
( ) Bourne Ultimatum
(66) Underworld
(67) Butterfly Effect
(68) Death Note
(69) Death Note 2
(70) Death Note 3: L Change the world
( ) Resident Evil 1
(71) Resident Evil 2
( ) I, Robot
(72) Rush Hour
(73) Rush Hour 2
( ) Rush Hour 3
( ) Mission Impossible 1
( ) Mission Impossible 2
( ) Mission Impossible 3
( ) I Am Legend
( ) Predator I
( ) Predator II
( ) Signs

( ) Saw
( ) Saw II
( ) Saw III
( ) Saw IV
( ) Saw V
( )The Grinch
( ) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
( ) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
(74) The Ring
(75) The Ring 2
(76) Final Destination
(77) Final Destination 2
(78) Final Destination 3
(79) Ghost Ship
( ) From Hell
(80) Child's Play
(81) Seed of Chucky
(82) Bride of Chucky
( ) Gothika
( ) Nightmare on Elm Street
(83) The Grudge
( ) The Grudge 2
( ) The Haunted Apartment
( ) Siren
(84) Silent Hill
(85) The Mask
(86) Son Of The Mask
(87) Alone
( ) Omen
(88) House Of Wax
( ) The Eye
( ) The Eye 2
(89) Shutter
( ) When Stranger calls
( ) The Fog
( ) The Orphanage
( ) The Skulls
(90) Cruel Intentions
( ) Cruel Intentions 2
( ) House of 1000 Corps

(91) Lilo & Stitch
(92) Ice Age
( ) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
(93) Madagascar
(94) Madagascar 2
(95) Kung Fu Panda
( ) bolt
(96) Wall-E
(97) Monsters Inc
(98) Shark Tale
(99) Shrek
(100) Shrek 2
(101) Shrek 3
(102) Finding Nemo
(103) ET
(104) Cars
(105) Ratatouille
(106) Toy Story
(107) Toy Story 2
(108) The Incredibles

( ) Little Miss Sunshine
( )I Am Sam
(109) The Day After Tomorrow
() Coach Carter
() The Last Dance
( ) To Kill A Mockingbird
( ) Conrack
( ) Midnight Sun
( )Little Black Book
( ) Rwanda Genocide

(110)Ten Things I Hate About You
(111) Titanic
(112) Romeo & Juliet

Wow! Unbelievable. 112 Films? Tapi ini sih belom semua. Film yang gue tonton dari jaman gue ngempeng ga ada. haha..



Another Keisengan Gue...

Palen, gue ambil lagi ya. lagi bete berat nih. lagi pengen ngisi yang aneh2. haha.

The rules :
1. First, make a top 10 list of the bad habit you dislike.
2. Second, list the reasons why you dislike those bad habits as mentioned in point 1.
3. Thirdly, tagged 10 other bloggers.

Yeah here I goes...
1. egois
2. Ngaret
3. perfeksionis ceroboh
5. tukang mau tau
6. cuek
7. curigaan
8. esmosian
9. moody
10. sensi

nifa najm npha nifo

December 18th, January 20th, January 6th, June 13rd

Blogging, FB-ing, Plurk-ing, Tweet-ing

Eyang Ganteng, Eyang Uti, someone, my mom??

iPhone, laptop, car, flight to Japan

Reading, online, drink, watch some dvds

East Asia (esp Japan Korea), England, NY, New Macedonia

water, tea, coffee, milk

handphone, money, books, perfume

Black, Blue, Yellow, White

Lele's house, Gading, my room, fiky's house

family, besties, myself, GOD

Yamashita Tomohisa, Ikuta Toma, F4 Korea, Oguri Shun

Family, Besties, Togetherness, GOD

Mola-Yamapi, Hanabi-Mr. Children, Lalala-Big Bang, Algoinayo-Someday

first time i met FaFiRiA, Join OSIS as Ketua Sanggar, LDKS 2009, XII IPS 2

Karaokean Westlife bareng sepupu2, bolos TPA, Jatoh abis lari2an, berantem sama adek gue

Fiky Sari Ade Nia

bad mood, iseng, males, ga ada kerjaan




Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, copy and paste this note, erase my answers and enter your own, tag people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1. Last beverage = nu green tea
2. Last phone call = mama
3. Last text message = lucy
4. Last song you listened to = always-big bang
5. Last time you cried = yesterday, June 15th

6. Dated someone twice = no no
7. Been cheated on = hmm, dunno
8. Kissed someone & regretted it = nope
9. Lost someone special = yea, and i feel sorry for her.
10. Been depressed = yea. but now im okay.
11. Been drunk and threw up = never ever
12. Blue
13. Black
14. Yellow

15. Made a new friend = YEAH!!
16. Fallen out of love = unfortunately, yes.
17. Laughed until you cried = maybe. Ryan, gara2 lo nih!
18. Met someone who changed you = not yet. but i hope soon.
19. Found out who your true friends were = YESH!
20. Found out someone was talking about you = yeah, and again, i feel sorry for her.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list = inop
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life = buanyak buanget !
23. How many kids do you want to have = minimal 2 max 3 lah.
24. Do you have any pets = never. but i do want it.
25. Do you want to change your name = sometimes. esp my first name even evryone said it good.
26. What did you do for your last birthday = nothing. actually, a bit lonesome.
27. What time did you wake up today = 5.30 a.m.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night = dreaming
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = Monbukagakusho Scholarship
30. Last time you saw your Mother = di garasi pas mau berangkat
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = body
32. What are you listening to right now = suara sesuatu di rumah sebelah yang lagi di renov.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = nope. i dont know someone named Tom.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = no
35. Most visited webpage = FB, YT, Blog, JPA, Plurk, Twitter
36. Whats your real name = Najma Amtanifa
37. Nicknames = Cipa, Nifa, nphaa, nip, mbak
38. Relationship Status = alone. haha..
39. Zodiac sign = Sagittarius
40. Male or female? = female
41. Elementary? = SDI Nurul Iman
642. Middle School = SMP Muhammadiyah 31 Rawamangun
43. High School/College = SMAN 71
44. Hair colour = black
45. Long or short = medium
46. Height = 160-somethin. gatau pasti
47. Do you have a crush on someone? = absolutely!
48. What do you like about yourself? = eyes? well, semua yang Tuhan kasih lah!
49. Piercings = ears.
50. Tattoos = nope. but i want have it in my neck. haha. tapi abis itu gue ga diaku anak sama nyokap.
51. Righty or lefty = righty

52. First surgery = never
53. First piercing = ears
54. First best friend = Putri. temen tk gue. tau dah tu anak ke mana.
55. First sport you joined = dunno.
56. First vacation = Puncak
58. First pair of trainers = no one
59. Eating = always. 3 times a day.
60. Drinking = water
61. I'm about to = breathing
62. Listening to = music and my mom's
63. Waiting for = GRADUATION DAY and the day i can flight to Japan. with Scholarship of course.

64. Want kids= yap
65. Get Married= yap
66. Career = singer, entertainer, or maybe wirausaha?

67. Lips or eyes? = eyes
68. Hugs or kisses? = hugs
69. Shorter or taller? = taller
70. Older or Younger? = younger LOL
71. Romantic or spontaneous ? = spontaneous
72. Nice stomach or nice arms? = nice arms
73. Sensitive or loud ? = loud
74. Hook-up or relationship? = relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant? = trouble maker

76. Kissed a stranger? = haha... gila kali! GA.
77. Drank hard liquor? = no and never
78. Lost glasses/contacts? = pernah. kacamata pertama pula.
79. Sex on first date? = PARAH, YA NGGA LAH. dibunuh gue sama keluarga gue.
80. Broken someone's heart? = hmm, gatau ya. gue bukan ahli nujum. haha.
81. Had your own heart broken? = Ya iyalah. hal tersering. haha.. lebay.
82. Been arrested? = fortunately, no. and hopefully, never.
83. Turned someone down? = hah? maybe yaa..
84. Cried when someone died? = ya hooh lah.
85. Lied to your bestfriend? = siapa yang nggak pernah?

86. Yourself? = ya iya dong
87. Miracles? = yes
88. Love at first sight? = a bit. gue pernah soalnya.
89. Heaven? = ya
90. Santa Claus?= no and never
91. Kiss on the first date?= no
92. Angels? = pastinya
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time? = maunya..
95. Did you sing today? = yohai
96. Ever cheated on somebody? = yes i have. and i think, she does it to on me
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? = 2006. i will tell him myself, not with letter.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? = dunno. i dont want back to 2008.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? = sometimes. coz im afraid of broken heart.
100. Posting this as 100 truths? = i will change it. not 100 truths, but just 100. deal?



Iseng-iseng Tidak Berhadiah

Ive taken this from Falen's blog. Gue iseng banget sih. Penasaran rata2 UAN tapi males ke skolah. Toh besok gue ke skolah ini kok. Ya Allah, semoga di atas 8.4, amin.

10 Favorites
Favorite Season : Winter. tapi berhubung di Indonesia ga ada yowes, hujan.
Favorite Time : Night. gue titisan kalong soalnya oiya dan karena malam itu ga panas.
Favorite Food : Makanan Indonesia. yah, ga usah susah2 lah. ayam bakar gitu juga enak
Favorite Drink : Aer putih. wuakakak.
Favorite Ice Cream : Rainbow by Wall's. mahal2 lah.
Favorite Sport : Soccer. tapi kalo sport activity gue lebih suka berenang. seger.
Favorite Actor : Yamapi, Ed Westwick, banyak gila!!
Favorite Actress : Emma Roberts, Kat Dennings, and moooore!!

9 Currents
Current Feeling : Upset. tau ni gue juga bingung
Current Drink : Tea. tuh, nu green tea. haha.
Current Time : 9.09 a.m.
Current Show on TV : Pops In Seoul @ Arirang TV
Current Mobile use : SE K630i. udah nge-hang pula
Current Windows : 2007
Current Underwear : Haha. ga ngecek. yang penting make.
Current Clothes : Kaos and short pants
Current Thought : Nilai UN gue gimane??

8 Firsts
First Nickname : Cipa apa Cemplon, lupa gue.
First Kiss : hah? Nyokap bokap. huehehe.
First Crush : temen tk gue kayaknya. hahaha.
First Best Friend : Tsania Rachma Rahayu. halah lengkap.
First Job : Nyabutin uban nyokap gue. wuekek.
First Toy : boneka lungsuran nyokap sih kayaknya.
First Pet : ga pernah punya. hiks :'(

7 Lasts
Last Drink : Tea. ya itu tadi, nu green tea.
Last Kiss : kapan ya... tau deh tapi sama nyokap.
Last Meal : tau tadi namanya apa ya, roti kering yang ada manis2nya itu.
Last Web Site Visited : blog
Last Movie Watched : kemaren nih Step Up 2 sama Center Stage 2
Last Phone Call : mom?
Last TV show Watched : Chibi Maruko Chan S2? haha..

6 Have You Ever…
Have You Ever Broken the Law : uh-huh. siapa yang nggak?
Have You Ever Been Drunk : no and hopefully not.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone/Something You Didn’t Know : walah. meneketehe.
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire : hmm, dunno.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped : hah? hoh!
Have You Ever Broken Anyone’s Heart : wah, yang ini sih gue gatau.
Have You Ever Been Broken Hearted : YA IYALAH!! Siapa yang nggak?

5 Things
Things You Can Hear Right Now : lagu peterpan di WE adek gue.
Things On Your Bed : hp, plastik, headphone, sepre, bedcover, hahaha.
Things You Ate Today : belom makan nih bang!
Things You Can’t Live Without : handphone, laptop, and water. boong lo cuma bisa idup dengan gadget. emang lo makan gadget?
Things You Do When You Are Bored : Youtube-ing.

4 Places You Have Been Today : belom kemana2. tapi kalo dari minggu nih ya: Gading, Rumah nenek gue, sekolah, rumah

3 Things On Your Desk Right Now : books, botol nu green tea, laptop dan modemnya

2 Choices : skolah apa di rumah? (ya dirumah lah jelas. kan gue emang lagi di rumah.)

1 Place You Want To Visit : SURGA :)

Thanks to Falen. Gue ambil gapapa ya.. Gue lagi iseng banget ini.. hahaha..





Mbak gue pulang hari ini. Apa yang akan terjadi di rumah ini tanpa mbak gue? Haha.. Lebay deng. Emang gue nggak bisa apa beberes? Yah, tapi gue rasa bakal rada sepi nih. Soalnya ga ada yang bisa gue godain lagi.

Oke. Mbak gue pulang nggak untuk selamanya. Dia bakal balik. Dan dia pulang cuma untuk menghadiri entah tunangan apa nikah ga tau deh gue kakaknya di kampung. Hmm.. gue berharap banget dia balik secepatnya. Karena gue ga tau apa jadinya gue dan adek gue tanpa dia, tanpa masakannya, tanpa ulahnya yang kocak, dan tanpa kehadiran dia. Yang pasti, bisa berduaan mulu nih sampe malem. Just me and my brother.

Well, agak nikung nih ya. Gue mau tanya, Star Trek bagus kan ya? Kok kata nyokap gue jelek sih? Gue pengen banget nonton itu. Tapi ga ada temennya. Trus, ada yang mau rekomendasiin film bagus nggak? Gue lagi garing abis nih ga ada film untuk ditonton. Thankies ya..

Share comment aja. Okay? Bye bye fellas!



Jun 15, 2009


Well, since i cant go to movie theatre lately, i try to enjoyed my time to watch few rental vcds or dvds.

And, just curious. Have you watched these movies?

See it completely in my other blog : nPhaa's World. Anyway, that lines clickable.





I always wanted this is happens. You know, leaving highschool and graduate from it. Its my dream. Well, honestly, its ev'ry highschoolers' dream. And, for my posting before, the announcement isnt delay (or wtv it called, mksdnya ga diundur, yah apalah!). It posted on Saturday, 13th June 2009 4:30 p.m. so that i couldnt find it in the morning.

Anyway, now, i just hope that my average score for UAN and my rapor is higher than 8.4. Why? Because i want to sent my application to Japan Embassy for Monbukagakusho Scholarship in Japan. Wish me luck. And also wish me can fly to Japan next year. Yeay..

And, once again, HAPPY GRADUATED!! haha..



Jun 13, 2009


Gue yakin banyak yang maki2 pemerintah gara-gara ini.

Tapi ga tau juga kapan jadinya. Bayangin ajalah, udah sengaja nunggu2 hasil, pagi2 nongkrongin kompi, online, tapi ga dapet apa2 kecuali Mohon Maaf untuk pengumuman..

Terus aja diundur-undur. Yah, gue tau sih ada beberapa kota yang UAN-nya diulang. Tapi, kalau memang hasilnya mau diundur, mbok ya bilang kapan pastinya. Jangan jadinya menggantung gini. Kita kan jadi bingung, kapan kepastian kita LULUS-nya (gue ga mau bilang ga lulus karena gue berharap kita semua LULUS).

Anyway, kepada siapapun yang tahu tanggal pasti pengumuman UAN, please leave your comment here, ya. Siapapun yang punya pendapat sama kayak gue juga please leave ur comment. Gue berharap perjuangan kita nggak berakhir sia-sia. Semoga Tuhan mendengar doa kita selama ini. Semoga siswa SMU angkatan 2009 LULUS, amin.




Jun 12, 2009

Love Song

Since today is sooo boring, so i just take this quiz. Another game, another quizes. Wtv.
I got this from my friend, Madam, and she got it from her friend -- my friend too -- Falen.

1. Put your music on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 10 friends who might enjoy doing the memo as well as the person you got the memo from.

8282 - Davichi (Call me, hold me... ooh, okay)

Stand By Me - SHINee (haha..)

Gee - SNSD (fall in love? maybe)

She Falls Asleep pt. 2 - McFly (buseng!)

Only Wind, Only Wind - SG Wannabe & Kim Jong-kook (yeah, gue kan setia)

Always - Big Bang (i will always be there with u guys)

Lucky - Ashily (gue ga ngerti nih)

Prisoner of Love - Utada Hikaru (huahahaha....)

WHAT IS 2+2?
Lies - Big Bang (boong, gue gatau lagi)

I Wanna Hold You - McFly (yeah, i will!!)

Seishun Amigo - Shuji to Akira (what is the maksud?)

Count Your Last Blessing - SUM 41 (hah?! gue ga ngerti)

Mola - Yamashita Tomohisa (lesbong dong gue, dia kan ngomong 'Ladies...')

With Me - SUM 41 (yeah, of course)

Bad Woman - F.T. Island (hah?! masa gue dibilang wanita jahat? hiks)

Nothing - McFly (huehehe..ajojing!)

Underclass Hero - SUM 41 (wah, caci maki aja!)

The One - F.T. Island (hah?!)

Sunset Glow - Big Bang (yoi, ayo ke pantai ma men!)

Happy Birthday - NewS (hah! kalo ulang taun aja paling buruk, apa yang paling bagus?)

Summer Time - NewS (wah, gue mati kepanasan kayaknya)

Wonderland - McFly (apa coba maksudnya? gue nyesel ke wonderland?)

But I Love You - Big Bang GD (huehehe.. yang ada gue meluk dan nyium dia kali)

I've Got You - McFly (iya kalo yang nangkep gue pembunuh psycho)

Lalala - Big Bang (yah, lalala aja laaa..)

Goodbye Baby - Big Bang (yaiyalah..apalagi kalo yang ngomong ortu gue)

Until Whenever - Big Bang (yeah, they love me till the end!)

The Jester - SUM 41 (halah!)

Talk To Me - UKiss (yeah, gue sakit banget ngomong sama gue..apa sih?)

Love Song - Yamashita Tomohisa (okay okay :))

So these are the result. Riddiculous. Haha.. Now you know my playlist. Mostly Big Bang. Yeah, im their big fans. Huhohuho...

So, if u're bored, just take ur time. See ya!



My future husband

Wow, see what ive posted before? It's a funny game. Thanks to Keshia.
I tried it then and found those will be my future. Huehehe.. I really hope so. I really adore him. As a Leader of the famous Korean group Big Bang. And also as a singer, a producer, a man. Hohohoho..
Dont be jelous, VIP. You can try it too. Maybe, he'll be your 'future' too. Hohoho..

These are his picture. Oh, I love him buch buch. Hohohoho...

With his group Big Bang

with his adorable style and smile. he has a beautiful smile and voice. thats why i love him

Haha.. Thats all. Actually, there're many lovely boy, man. Such as Yamapi, TOP, David Henrie, etc. But, why it choosed him? Dunno why..



Another future

Behold... My Future

I will marry Kwon Ji-yong.

After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in Osaka in our fabulous Apartment.

We will have 5 kid(s) together.

Our family will zoom around in a White Suzuki Swift.

I will spend my days as a Actress, and live happily ever after.

whats your future

Jun 10, 2009



It's been a while since i wrote about my 'lil sister' here. Like i said before, ive been missing for sumthin. And im really miss this writing things. Anyway, sorry again bout my english.

Anyway, days. Ive been countingdown days. Why? Im really sure you know the answer. Im waiting the result. Three days left now. If you can see in every provile i have (plurk, tweet, fb, jpa) i always countingdown.

Well, im bored. That's why im started to count. It really fun. Counting and hoping makin me realize, i will have my result test in 3 days. For my 3 years. Its riddiculous.. and its fun. And actually, im nervous. But, just have fun! Just believe that i passed. Im going to university. Any university. Is it UNJ or UI, whatev. But actually, i really hope i passed my UMB test. Its my last chance to UI.

Hell, days. Will i be a person i thought i was when the day come? I wish i will. And i always wish u too.

Success, graduate, happy, BELIEVE FELLAS!!



May 29, 2009

My 'Little Sister'


Whew.. Hows ur day, people? I feel great today.

Well, it have a relative with my posting before. Now, i have a 'little sister'. No, no. My mom not pregnant. I have her from that site. Yeah, the site that makes me addict. Her username is "sabergirl19". I called her saa-chan or just saa. Her real name is Cait. But, i never called her that. I dont know why.

Okay. First time i logged in, i think u can read it in my posting before. But, there's a girl. I was think that she had same age as me. But, what a surprise! She's just 12 years old. And just 6 grade. Well, at that time, i was so shame..

But, after that, we always chat. In the chat room or just with shout box. And i tell her that i was feel so old. And she just can laughed at me and say that im not that old. So i tell her that shes just like a lil sister for me since i havent any sister. And then, she replied 'so i shud call you nee-chan'. And thats it. I have a lil sister now.

Feel good. Shes from Philippines and just 12 years old. But her english is better than me (haha..). We just acted like sisters and we try to understand each other. I, as a big sister, try to protect her even we've never met before. And she, as a lil sister, always cheer me up. I think, this is the surplus from having a online friend (honestly, idk what it call. Or i just forgot).

So, i feel happy to have her as my little sister. Oh, by the way, i dont really care if one of you think that my english is soo bad. Im in learning. So, i hope ull understand. But i think, as long as u understand what i mean, what the hell!!



May 26, 2009


Yellow everyone.

Haha. Really miss to write in this blog after a week i never write a post. Anyway, i have alot things that i have to stay. Since i didnt write a post for a week, ive to tell u much much story. Okay. Here the story.

Okay. Since two months ago, actually, ive an account in this site name JPopAsia or also known as JPA. This site is for u who like anything in JPop, KPop, CPop and want to find lyrics and video. But this site also like FB which is a friend site. So, i sign up for this. When i sign up, i really think that this site had same motive (idk what i talking bout) like FB, FS, or whatever u say it. But then, ive confused because just for adding a friend, i should have 20 JPops. And i have NO Jpops. So, i really mad and log out. And for two month, till now, ive never log in. But, i still looking for some lyrics there.

This is 'Home'

Well, since two months ago till twoo weeks ago, i still FB-ing and no JPop-ing. But then, i really curious about this site. So, once again, i log on to this site and feel surprise when realized that i still remember the account. So, ive looked to my profile. And it still like when the first time i see. No friends just one inbox. Then, i try to find how to earn Jpops. And, finally i know.

At that time, i really confused, rite? So i try to looking around. And found this forum. In this forum, i found this topic. Introduction. It is for the new member to introduce theirself to another member. Then, i started topic with title 'Hello, hajimemashite, annyeong!'. And u know what, i found that if we post a forum, then we will get jpops. And im so happy for that. So i came back to my profile and see my jpops not '0' anymore. Haha. I like this site already then.

this is Forums window for 'Introduce Yourself'

After that, i added some friends and start to chat with another member. And now, i know what ive to do to earn some jpops. Rating some video. Haha. What a shame that i didnt know it for long time. And fill my 'About Me' in profile will get some jpops too. Geez, im to stupid for this. And now, here its my profile page.

So, now, im addicted to this site. Evryday, ive checked my profile to find out any inbox or any shout out in my shout box. Geez. Im just like an drugs addict. Sometimes my mother yelled me to move because she wants to use the laptop. See, ive strings with this site. Hoho. So, if ive been MIA again next time, it means that im JPop-ing, Baby. Haha..



May 18, 2009


Feels like hell today...

Yah, ga seburuk itu. Cuma, ga tau kenapa mood gue ga balik2 nih dari kemaren. Gosh! Gue paling bete kalo mood gue lagi ga asyik kayak gini.

Hwell, tadi liburan gue keganggu. Haha... Tapi, gapapa lah. Ketemu temen2 juga gitu. Kenapa keganggu? Karena tadi, gue sebagai pjk bt, harus bertugas untuk membagikan BT ke semua anak kelas gue. Okelah. Gue pikir, karena kemaren udah gue kasih tau juga, ga bakal makan waktu lama lah.

But guess what!!! Ternyata, ada beberapa yang ga dateng. Untung mereka minta titip ke temen yang lain. Jadi, gue ga harus bawa semuanya pulang. Dan yang mesti gue bawa pulang akhirnya cuma 5 (include punya gue). Jadi, yang ada di gue sekarang BT-nya Pa' Mudjahid (walas gue), Tephen, Ayu, sama Yoyo.

Gue pikir, tadi, gue paling bakal balik jam 10. Ternyata, baru selesai (kelas gue) jam 1/2 12. Dan itupun dengan membawa 5 BT di tangan. Untung ada tebengan (thanks to Salma).

Yah, pas udah di rumah juga sama aja. Ga nambah baik. Cuma nambah pusing.

Tau ah. Gue nggak ngertilah kenapa juga mood gue ancur2an gini. Semoga aja besok udah bagus lagi nih mood-nya.

Btw, gue akhirnya memutuskan untuk ikut UMB. Mencoba peruntungan gue di UI. Nothing to lose lah. Semoga gue dapet yang terbaik aja yang dikasih Tuhan buat gue.

